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Volume 34 (1979), 1


(Original title: Filozofia v etape budovania rozvinutej socialistickej spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 1, 3-15.
The author deals with the tasik of philosophy in the stage of building-up the advanced socialist society. The paper contains 4 parts: 1. the political-ideological function of philosophy. 2. Philosophy as a factor of social progress. 3. Sociological conceptions as a basis of attacks on Marxist thinking. 4. Basic tasks of philosophy in the stage of the advanced… Read more
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Papers - Philosophical Questions of Culture and Art

(Original title: Význam výskumu kultúry pre teóriu socializmu)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 1, 16-25.
The capital is the central category of political economy as the anatomy of bourgeois society, in which the wealth appears as immense accumulation of goods. Political economists approach to the research of the whole social life from the point of view of reproduction of wealth in the form of capital. But according to Marx — the wealth — deprived of its limited… Read more
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(Original title: Čas, priestor a umenie)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 1, 26-36.
Time and space are forms of being of things, phenomena and processes, of man and reality in their mutual determination. This is why not even artistic creation is filling an empty time and space, but it is objective, it is the shaping of their objectivity, of being, its nature is that of „determination” and „institution“ of man and reality in their mutual shaping and… Read more
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(Original title: Ku kritike fenomenologickej interpretácie umeleckého diela)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 1, 37-51.
The aim of the essay Sis an attempt at a critical analysis of application of the methods of Husserl’s phenomenology upon the theoretical interpretation of work of art. The starting point of the analysis is in Husserl’s project of absolute independence of cognition and an analysis of this conception of the relation between consciousness of Husserl’s becomes a source… Read more
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Papers - Theory of Science

(Original title: Filozofia vedy v komplexe odborov vedy o vede)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 1, 52-62.
In the situation of contemporary scientific-technical development, neither the borders of applicability of the methods of philosophy, nor of the methods of special science can be considered as unsurmountable. Philosophy, specialized for the research of science, co-operates internally with special natural, technical and social sciences in the bordering relations of… Read more
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(Original title: K problematike výskumu vedy o vede)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 1, 63-69.
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(Original title: Materialistické pojetí dějin a dialektika výrobních sil)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 1, 70-82.
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(Original title: Harmonický rozvoj člověka v socialistické společnosti jako estetický princip)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 1, 82-90.
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: XV. svetový filozofický kongres)
Filozofia, 29 (1979), 1, 83-90.
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(Original title: Marxisticko-leninská filozofia a vedecké chápanie sveta (К XVI. svetovému filozofickému kongresu v Dusseldorfe))
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 1, 91-99.
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(Original title: Zmyslové, racionálne, skúsenosť)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 1, 100-104.
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(Original title: O marxistickom prístupe k otázke individuálneho mravného vedomia)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 1, 105-109.
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(Original title: Začiatky formovania marxistickej koncepcie človeka)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 1, 110-112.
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(Original title: Filozofický revizlonizmus. Pramene, argumenty, funkcie v ideologickom triednom boji)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 1, 112-119.
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(Original title: Zborník Filozofickej fakulty brnenskej univerzity)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 1, 119-122.
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(Original title: Dialektika ako logika a metodológia vedy)
Filozofia, 34 (1979), 1, 122-127.
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