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Volume 20 (1965), 3

Papers and Discussions

(Original title: O príčinách kultu osobnosti)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 229-241.
The process of rebirth taking place in the socialistic movement all over the world took the way to overcome all the deformations which had occurred during the so-called „period of the personality cult“. In our time a great amount of cognitions and facts has been gathered on this subject; for the time being, however, there is not yet a more exact and deep elucidation… Read more
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(Original title: Možnosť zmeny spoločenských zákonov)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 241-253.
The point of issue to this problem is the comprehension of the process of autodetermination of objective laws; by their internal dialectics the laws renew the conditions which were originally their starting point. The determiner becomes the determinated. We call these conditions the internal conditions of validity of a law, and we differentiate them from the external… Read more
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(Original title: Niektoré pasíva ilustratívnej metódy)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 254-266.
By illustrative method we mean the way of explanation of questions of dialectics, when formulations of categories and laws are complemented with expert cognitions, both facts and theories, from the different sciences in order to demonstrate the general validity of given philosophical conceptions, or to present a more exhaustive elucidation of their nature. The paper… Read more
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(Original title: Vedecká prax)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 266-278.
In his study, the author deals with the problem of scientific practice from the gnoseological point of view. He understands it to be a primary, sensorial contact of the subject with the object, with the aim to gain intuitive cognition about reality, subjected to further, theoretical elaboration. Subsequently theory is verified by practice. However, in the history of… Read more
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(Original title: K vymedzeniu pojmu techniky)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie278-289.pdf, 20 (1965), 3, 278-289.
The role played by technique in society and the importance of technique incessantly increases. Technical progress brings about a spate of problems in the field of technique, economics, sociology and philosophy. Up to the present technique was not given sufficient attention by philosophical literature. The authors of this study point at some philosophical problems… Read more
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(Original title: Jde o otázku zrodu nových kvalit, ne o kybernetiku)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 290-292.
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(Original title: O fenomenologii náboženstva)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 293-302.
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: Konferencia o štruktúre socialistickej spoločnosti)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 303-307.
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Reviews, Notes, Information

(Original title: Práce slovenských filozofov v nemčine)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 308-312.
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(Original title: Filozofické problémy súčasnej biológie)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 312-317.
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(Original title: Na okraj dvoch publikácií o začiatkoch národného obrodenia)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 317-320.
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(Original title: Adam Schaff o jazyku a poznaní)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 321-325.
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(Original title: Hľadanie rozmerov ľudskosti)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 325-328.
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(Original title: Kniha o spoločenskej podstate umenia)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 328-331.
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(Original title: Kriticky o buržoáznej etike)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 331-332.
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(Original title: Človek a epocha)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 332-333.
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(Original title: Zomrel Nikolaj O. Losskij)
Otázky marxistickej filozofie, 20 (1965), 3, 334-335.
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