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Volume 39 (1984), 2


(Original title: K problematike výchovy filozofického dorastu a Jeho využitia v praxi)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 2, 129-142.
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(Original title: Idea integrity osobnosti a problém rozvoja Iudske] subjektivity)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 2, 143-155.
The idea of the integrity of personality and the problem of human subjectivity are mutually connected. The integrated, all-roundly developing personality simultaneously expresses the abundance of its inner harmonious development of its subjective dispositions. However, both integrity and the development of personality’s subjectivity are determined historico-socially… Read more
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(Original title: Marxistická filozofia a problém ľudského indivídua)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 2, 156-168.
In the paper the author deals with the question of the significance of problems of human individuality in the Marxist socialphilosophical theory. He argues that Marxist theory of social-historical development is simultaneously a theory of human individuals and their development. In Marxism social history is conceived in its humanistic content as the history of the… Read more
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(Original title: Dynamika a syntéza druhov umenia v umeleckej kultúre socializmu)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 2, 169-180.
The author examines factors of the dynamics of species of art in socialist realism which exert influence upon acquiring of independence and synthesis, on mutual interaction of species within the system itself. The acquiring of independence and synthesis have still kept their significance for development of art, they secure its preservation as a system of species,… Read more
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(Original title: O niektorých súčasných formách vplyvu buržoáznej filozofie na buržoáznu sociológiu)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 2, 181-193.
In the paper the effort of some sociological streams at a revival of conscious bindings on bourgeois philosophy, especially on its anti-scientist schools (phenomenology, existentialism] is studied. This turn in the relation to philosophy is conditioned by the need to get suitable epistemological and methodological motivation for the anti-positivist orientation in… Read more
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(Original title: Mimologické faktory vedeckého poznania)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 2, 194-207.
In the contribution the significance and function of extralogical factors in creative scientific cognition are defined as follows: 1. Logical elements in unity with extra-logical factors constitute a complex phenomenon of creative scientific cognition. 2. The sphere of extra-logical includes a whole complex of factors which enter the process of knowing, influence and… Read more
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Papers - History of Philosophy

(Original title: Antiscientické východiská súčasného antropologizmu)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 2, 208-220.
One of the typical features of contemporary antropologism is its anti-scientism. The aim of the paper is to show the basic anti-scientistic starting-points of anthrapologism as they were formed till the middle of the sixties of the 20th century and to demonstrate it on the existentialist conception of J. P. Sartre. Beginning with Husserl’s criticism of science and… Read more
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(Original title: Kritika Foucaultovej epistémy)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 2, 221-234.
In the paper Foucault’s combining of the principles of the theory of Marx and Ricardo in a common epistemological field in which historicity is based on the concept of the anthropological limited being is critically analyzed. With Marx the anthropological limited being does not determine the very character of the bourgeois form of production. Reflections on the… Read more
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(Original title: Od logu k mýtu (Iracionalizmus a pseudohistorizmus vo fenomenologickej koncepcii vedy) II)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 2, 235-249.
In part two of the paper From Logos to Myth the problem of the unity of the starting-point of scientific cognition in Husserl’s philosophy the way which lead from irrationalism and pseudo-historicism of Husserl’s conception to contemporary philosophical hermeneutics of H.—G. Gadamer and his followers are analyzed. The author shows that the presuppositions on… Read more
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(Original title: Niekoľko poznámok k súčasnej ázijskej filozofii)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 2, 250-259.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Sympó:zium o súčasných buržoáznych teóriách)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 2, 260-262.
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(Original title: Kritika súčasných buržoáznych metodologických koncepcií)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 2, 262-264.
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(Original title: Nové prístupy k skúmaniu človeka)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 2, 265-268.
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(Original title: Sociálny determinizmus a vedeckotechnický pokrok)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 2, 268-271.
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