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Volume 23 (1968), 5

Papers and Discussions

(Original title: Reštrukturalizácia systému moci v ČSSR)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 457-469.
The present political process in Czechoslovakia may be characterized as an institutional revolution whose aim is to create a new institutional structure o£ the Czechoslovak socialistic society. The change of the structure of the system of power, which accompanies the transition from the deformed dictatorship of proletariate to the all-people’s socialistic state and… Read more
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(Original title: Význam otázky o zmysle ľudského života)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 470-480.
If people take thing for the starting point and aim of their endeavor, they set the sense of life outside life and they tehmselves become a thing among things. Therefore, to get out of this position, they have to turn things as well as themselves into their object. In other words, they have to interrupt the ucontrolled natural course of social life, to get out of the… Read more
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(Original title: Problém človeka v súčasnej teológii)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 481-491.
The basis of the traditional Christian conception of man is the biblical legend about the first men and the thesis, following from the legend, about nonauthenticity, weakness and depravity of man. Under the influence of scientific, technological and social progress, contemporary theology endeavors to overcome the negativism of this conception, to create a model of… Read more
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(Original title: Problém a priori v poznaní)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 492-503.
The problem of a priori is one of the most important problems in philosophy and concerns almost all basic categories of the theory of knowledge and, partly, also ontology. It is explicitly elaborated mainly in Kant's philosophy but can be found, in different modifications, on each stage of the history of thought since long ago. It has not lost its actualness even… Read more
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(Original title: Spor o Garaudyho poňatie marxizmu)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 504-512.
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: Bude zjazd slovenských filozofov)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 513-514.
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(Original title: Filozofia v nových podmienkach)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 515-520.
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(Original title: Konferencia o štrukturalizme a historizme vo filozofii 20. storočia)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 521-524.
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(Original title: Porada českých a slovenských historiků filosofie)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 525-527.
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(Original title: Úvod do formálnej logiky (VII))
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 528-533.
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(Original title: Vznik človeka)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 534-538.
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Reviews, Notes, Information

(Original title: Sporné spory o dialektiku)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 539-542.
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(Original title: Prešovské „Filozofické štúdie“)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 542-545.
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(Original title: Problém deduktivního a statistického typu vědeckého vysvětlení u C. G. Hempela)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 545-549.
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(Original title: Príspevok k teórii náboženstva)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 550-553.
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(Original title: Pokus o definíciu empirického zákona)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 553-555.
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(Original title: Aj to je kritika?)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 555-557.
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(Original title: G. Lantayana a americká filozofia)
Filozofia, 23 (1968), 5, 558-559.
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