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Volume 37 (1982), 5


(Original title: Živý, inšpirujúci a mobilizujúci ideový odkaz)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 5, 587-595.
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(Original title: K základným filozoficko-sociálnym otázkam problematiky človeka a osobnosti)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 5, 596-612.
In the paper the author gives attention to basic philosophical-social question of the theory of Man and personality in the contexts of topical problems of the. development of socialist society and mankind. He underlines the necessity to unfold more fundamentally and purposefully the Marxist-Leninist theory of personality The author deals extensively with… Read more
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(Original title: Materialistický monizmus a interpretácia spoločensko-historickej skutočnosti ako prírodno-historického procesu)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 5, 613-629.
Setting out from the antagonisms of material processes as a precondition of self-mcition of material being which, in its development, forms qualitatively differentiated spheres of objectivity, Marxist philosophy does not interpret material unity of the world as a problem of the classificatory net of facts, but as a problem of genetical transformation of dialectical… Read more
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(Original title: Dialektika socializácie a individualizácie)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 5, 630-643.
In Marxist literature problems of socialization are dealt with above all in particular social sciences (psychology, sociology and recently in pedagogy), less, however, in philosophy. This state of research is influenced by the fact that the received solutions have predominantly ontogenetic character and can be, in truth, conceived as personalization. From the… Read more
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Papers - Critique of Burgeois Philosophy

(Original title: Revizionistické chápanie praxe a Leninov filozofický odkaz)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 5, 644-656.
In interpreting the philosophical heritage of Marx in the question of basic characteristic of Man as a practical, active, productive being, the contemporary philosophical revisionism and bourgeois marxology make effort to show ideologic-methodological dissonance in the presentation of the content of the category „practice“, as made by Lenin. It is this category which… Read more
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(Original title: Redukcionizmus filozofickej antropológie)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 5, 657-668.
In the paper the basic goals of philosophical anthropology of Scheler’s type are analyzed and ways and methodological procedures which are applied by contemporary bourgeois anthropology in realization of its projebt are investigated. The author lays stress on the presentation of Man as a whole, on the effort to unify the research in philosophy and in particular… Read more
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(Original title: K otázkam názornosti a modelovania vo výučbe filozofie)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 5, 669-673.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Vedecké sympózium k 60. výročiu publikovania state V. I. Lenina O význame bojovného materializmu)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 5, 674-675.
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(Original title: XII. medzinárodná letná varnianska škola marxisticko-leninskej filozofie)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 5, 676-678.
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(Original title: 100. výročie narodenia profesora Josefa Krála)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 5, 679-680.
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(Original title: Tvorivá podstata socialistického vedomia)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 5, 681-684.
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(Original title: Otázky všestranného rozvoja osobnosti stále aktuálne)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 5, 684-688.
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(Original title: K otázkam socialistickej osobnosti)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 5, 688-692.
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(Original title: Komplexne o aktuálnych problémoch socialistického vedomia)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 5, 692-696.
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