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Volume 37 (1982), 3


(Original title: Životné jubileum akademika Vojtecha Filkorna)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 3, 289-292.
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(Original title: Systémový pohľad na skúmanie reality)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 3, 293-303.
The author takes notice of one aspect of the system — its limiting character — and he applies it to investigation of reality. The system, in contradistinction to chaos, cannot contain all possibilities represented by Cartesian product. Therefore, the system is defined as the subset of this product (/1.1/ — /1.4/). In the paperexamples are given showing how this fact… Read more
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(Original title: Problém systémovosti filozofických kategórií)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 3, 304-317.
The paper deals with the problem of systematic character of philosophic categories and with the question of hasic principles, ways and methods of construction, of the system of categories of materialistic dialectics.
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(Original title: Neoracionalistická koncepcia filozofie vedy a vývinu vedeckého myslenia)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 3, 318-329.
Neo-rationalist philosophy of science (Bachelard, Gonseth etc.) belongs by its nature to the type of philosophy which is done by active scientists, working in some of the concrete sciences. The relation of nea-ratioinalists to philosophy is not the one of refusal but it contains strong elements of reductionism. Their philosophy of science is typical for clean-cut… Read more
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(Original title: Metodológia vied (problémy a tendencie v diele V. Filkorna))
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 3, 330-341.
In the paper the author analyzes some tendencies, coming to the fore in the context of contemporary develoipmeint of methodology of sciences and he confronts them with the conception of methodology developed by Professor V. Filkorn. The author analyzes the process of making methodology of sciences more exact — the phases and the dependence of this process on the… Read more
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(Original title: K niektorým aspektom analýzy pojmu metóda)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 3, 342-349.
In the paper the characteristics, attributed to method are given on the ground of analysis of common definitions of method. The definitions of method are divided according to what ontological status they assign to metod (method is conceived as activity; as a way, form or structure of activity; as verbal expression — instruction for activity; as a direction of… Read more
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(Original title: Leibnizova koncepcia analýzy)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 3, 350-359.
In the method of Leibnitz analysis plays an important part as it is supposed to lead to discovery of rational principles of reality. Ontologic presuppositions of this conception of analysis are idealistic, concrete working out, however, brought Leibnitz to results that contain several dialectical elements.
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(Original title: Metoda přirozené dedukce v Bolzanově nauce o úsudcích)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 3, 360-377.
In the paper, concentrated on the historical analysis of Bolzano’s Wissenschaftslebre the author makes it his aim to given an interpretation and formal reconstruction of some basic characteristics of Bolzano’s theory of inference. He first sums up conceptual starting points of Bolzano’s conception where he critically re-values Aristotelian and traditional 'theories… Read more
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(Original title: K problému axiomatizácie intenzionálnych a mhohohodnotových logík)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 3, 378-390.
The problem of construction of deductive systems of some non-clasical logics is influenced by inadequacy of certain classical rules to be used in the logics. Thus, inadequacy of conditional modus poneits does not allow to derive the confusion rule and it, therefore, makes the relation of derivability defective an view to implication. It is not, in fact, possible for… Read more
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(Original title: K niektorým aspektom kategórie hmoty a bytia v marxis­tickej filozofii)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 3, 391-404.
In the paper the author deals with categories „matter“ and „being“, laying stress on their divergent understanding. One group of Marxist philosophers conceives being as the material and so they identify being and matter. The other group understands under the category „being“ not only matter but consciousness, too. The author inclines ito the opinion of the second… Read more
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(Original title: Postpozitivistické transformácie pozitivistického hnutia)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 3, 405-416.
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(Original title: Vyšiel prvý diel Materiailistickaj dialektiky)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 3, 417-422.
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(Original title: Kritický náčrt postpozitivistického projektu vedy)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 3, 422-428.
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(Original title: Teoretické problémy spoločensko-ekonomických formácií)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 3, 428-431.
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