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Volume 40 (1985), 6


(Original title: Filozofia a umenie v kultúrnom kontexte socialistickej spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 6, 665-689.
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Papers - Philosophy and Culture in the Socialist Society

(Original title: Teória kultúry v prospech spoločenskovedného poznania)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 6, 670-679.
In the processes of differentiation and integration of scientific cognition it is necessary to overcome more effectively the isolation of the philosophical theory and the history of culture, of the so-called traditional sciences on culture and the so-called special scientific disciplines on culture. It is inevitable to elaborate the theory of the reproductive cycle… Read more
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(Original title: Estetické potreby a ich vplyv na spôsob života v so­ cialistickej spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 6, 680-692.
Aesthetic needs as a means of cultural socialization of the individuality in the social organism take part in the formation of the socially relevant ideal, inciting the creative activity of Man, in the construction of his model of the universe with the consequent orientation of behaviour and activity. Even though the aesthetic activity is secondary in relation to the… Read more
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(Original title: Kultúra a vedecko-technický pokrok)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 6, 693-704.
In the system of culture as a whole science and technology take their firm place and especially in the present time are considered to be important factors, influencing the process of appropriation of natural and social reality by Man and simultaneously they are the means of its transformation. Under conditions of the socialist society they contribute a great deal to… Read more
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(Original title: Ku vzťahu osobnostne formatívneho procesu a sociokultúrneho systému)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 6, 713-721.
The author of the paper focused his attention on several topical problems which are related with the socio-cultural determination of the process of formation of the human personality. He substantiates the need for a permanent scientific investigation of these questions by dynamic structural changes of the sociocultural system of the life space which bring higher… Read more
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(Original title: Východiská a prístupy k prognózovaniu vo sfére kultúry)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 6, 722-728.
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(Original title: Miesto a úloha tradícií v spoločenskom vývoji)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 6, 729-737.
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(Original title: Akademik Andrej Sirácky 85-ročný)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 6, 738-739.
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(Original title: Dialektika výrobných síl a výrobných vzťahov a jej vzťah k formulovaniu kategórie „kultúra“)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 6, 740-747.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Správa o medzinárodnej konferencii k 100. výročiu narodenia G. Lukácsa)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 6, 748-750.
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(Original title: Nový časopis „Teorie socialismu“)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 6, 751.
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(Original title: Problémy filozofie kultúry)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 6, 752-755.
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(Original title: Marxistické chápanie hodnôt a významu)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 6, 756-761.
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(Original title: Druhy umenia v umeleckej kultúre minulosti a súčasnosti)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 6, 761-763.
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