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Volume 30 (1975), 3

Papers and Discussions - To the 30th Anniversary of the Liberation

(Original title: Dialektika vývoja socialistickej spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 217-228.
The author in his paper starts from the 14 th Congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and from the document The Development, Contemporary State and Tasks of the Social Sciences in the ČSSR. At the same time he emphasizes the November plenary session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia of the last year, which demands from the… Read more
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(Original title: Idea internacionalismu a dělnická třída)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 229-244.
The question of the relation of the general and the special, the international and the national in the history of philosophy and in the contemporary philosophical thinking becomes today a battlefield of ideologies between Marxism-Leninism and bourgeois philosophy inclusive of various rewisionist and anti-commnnist conceptions that want to discredit Marxism and namely… Read more
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(Original title: К otázce pojetí národního a internacionálního v marxisticko-leninské filosofii)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 245-252.
The author analyzes the question of the conception of the national and of the international from the point of view of historical materialism. He determines the national and the international as the features of the social development, regularly conditioned, after all, by the way of production of material goods, by the social-economic structure of the society and of… Read more
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Papers and Discussions - The Criticism of the Contemporary Bourgeois Philosophy

(Original title: Konceptuálny pluralizmus súčasnej buržoáznej filozofie)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 253-261.
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(Original title: Lingvistický obrat súčasnej nemarxistickej filozofie)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 262-279.
The linguistic ;;epnyersion of one part of non-Marxist philosophy has been motivized by the effort to change the character of philosophy and caused the social, gnozeological and immanent-philosophical reasons. Its basis consists in a reduction of the object of philosophy to the formal logic analysis of the artificial and ordinary language, while the capacity of… Read more
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(Original title: Fischerov revizionistický variant teórie „generačných konfliktov“)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 280-293.
Ernst Fischer was one of the most active revisionists who, by the end of the 1959s and during the 1960s, influenced the Czechoslovak public. He was also the chief propagator of the anti-communist theory of „generation conflicts“ in this country. Fischer explicated his variant of the theory of „generation conflicts“ in his book The Problems of the Young Generation.… Read more
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Papers and Discussions - Humanism, Progress and Creation

(Original title: Socialistický humanizmus a problém tvorby)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 294-300.
Humanism does not mean a onesided passive charity and compassion, but first of all a launching of creative capabilities, a disclosing of a ground for human creation. The real humanism certainly is not directed only to humanizing the inhuman, but first of all it tends to the creation of the human, — to the creation of human life environment, human reality, human farms… Read more
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(Original title: Ideologické aspekty tvorby a aplikácie vedy a techniky)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 301-312.
The progress of the practice of the technical-productive mediating possession of nature is not determined only by creation and application of the professional-theoretical information of the sciences about nature and the technology of production. In the system of theoretical information of the sciences in the contemporary conditions of the development of socialism the… Read more
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(Original title: O kritériu spoločenského pokroku)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 313-322.
Marxist philosophy considers the development of power of production as an elementary source, source of progress. That source or basis effects the whole history of mankind and convincingly proves that from one formation to another the development of power of production reaches the rising trend and its rate is gradually increasing. The development of power of… Read more
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Sources - From the Slovak Philosophical Thinking of the 18th Century

(Original title: O vrodených ideách)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 323-329.
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: Vytvorenie Ústavu filozofie a sociológie SAV)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 330-331.
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(Original title: Seminár o aktuálnych problémoch dialektiky)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 332-333.
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Reviews, Notes, Information

(Original title: Hrdinstvo — významná kategória komunistického svetonázoru)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 334-335.
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(Original title: Rozmanitosť skúseností)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 336-338.
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(Original title: O ľudskom šťastí)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 338-340.
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(Original title: Zborník z histórie a metodológie vied)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 3, 340-343.
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