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Volume 35 (1980), 4


(Original title: Pretvárajúca sila ideí marxizmu-leninizmu)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 4, 349-354.
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(Original title: Dialektika, logické a empirické formy myslenia)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 4, 355-362.
The paper shows how Marxist dialectics is disparaged, deformed and depreciated (as a typical example the work of an anti-Marxist philosopher, W. Becker: Idealist and Materialist Dialectics, is quoted here). The author explains the determination by materialist dialectics of various empirical-logical methods and in the end he sums up his thoughts: Dialectics in its “… Read more
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(Original title: Filozofia vedy K. R. Poppera. Kritická poznámka)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 4, 363-377.
In the paper the author specifies the place of Popper’s philosophy of science in contemporary bourgeois philosophy, he analyses critically Popper’s conception of scientific truth, his solution of problems of development of scientific knowledge and problems of explanation and prediction in history. He shows that Popper has neither a real concept of objective truth nor… Read more
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(Original title: K otázke dialektiky v Gonsethovom variante neoracionalistickej filozofie vedy)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 4, 378-390.
The author analyses the interpretation of dialectics of scientific knowledge and dialectics as the method of research in the conception of Ferdinand Gonseth — an important representative of neorationalist philosophy of science. She shows positive moments of this interpretation: In general Gonseth correctly conceives the dialectics of the absolute and the relative,… Read more
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(Original title: Koncepcia idealizujúcej metodológie vied, jej znaky a úlohy)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 4, 391-404.
The author analyzes one of the contemporary conceptions of methodology of science which is; deliberately developed along the principles of Idealization and concretization. He further analyzes some of its other characteristics, tasks and tendencies of its development and he shows possibilities of overcoming this methodological conception.
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(Original title: Metodologické zdroje fenomenologickej dezinterpretácie pro­blému východiska vedeckého poznania)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 4, 405-417.
The author analyses critically the method used by the founder of phenomenological philosophy, E. Husserl, in the research of original basis of scientific knowledge (called by Husserl “life-world“). He shows it was Husserl’s subjective idealist presupposition of transcendental subjectivity which lead Husserl to misinterpretation of the original basis of scientific… Read more
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(Original title: Príspevok k otázke vývinu vedeckých teórií a zákonov)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 4, 418-430.
The paper deals with problems of relation of theories which existed before Scientific Revolution and theories which came into being during the process of solving the antinomy which this revolution incited. The relation between these theories is inquired in view to the correspondence principle whiah iis analysed first in its historical, later in its logical form. The… Read more
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(Original title: K výskumu predstáv o kategóriách)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 4, 431-441.
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Scientific Life

(Original title: Celoslovenský seminár učiteľov marxisticko-leninskej filozofie)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 4, 442-445.
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(Original title: Systematický výklad marxisticko-leninskej teórie poznania)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 4, 446-469.
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(Original title: Jednota filozofie a špeciálnych vied)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 4, 449-453.
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(Original title: Monografia o dialektickom materializme)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 4, 453-457.
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