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Volume 33 (1978), 3

Papers - The Jubilee of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

(Original title: Jubileum Slovenskej akadémie vied)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 245-248.
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(Original title: 25 rokov Slovenskej akadémie vied a Ústavu filozofie a sociológie)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 249-253.
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Papers - Dialectics and the Theory of Cognition

(Original title: Základné kategórie dialektiky)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 254-269.
The relation of formal logic and dialectical logic has always been a lively problem and thus a problem of the rationality of categories that form the principal unity of philosophy, sciences and correct practical decision. They are namely the categories of formation (Gestalt] structure, whole and system, in which the relation of the logical and the dialectical… Read more
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(Original title: Teoretické poznání a jeho objekt. Některé problémy)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 270-288.
The increasing complexity and abstractness of theoretical knowledge bring along certain problems of philosophical character. Beside others, it is the complex of questions connected with the nature and the limitation of the object of knowledge („gnozeological“ object] in science. One of the first problems dealt with in the paper, is that of the so called theoretical… Read more
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Papers - Work and Practice

(Original title: K otázke jednoty slobody, poznania a praxe)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 289-300.
Human history, representing the natural-historical process bear the sign of the practical-reforming manysided struggle of man with nature and with his own socialization that arises in the mutual cooperation of men. The. level and the character of the historical-social practice in which the given process is ’’constituted” demonstrate in the final consequences also the… Read more
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(Original title: Spoločenská funkcia bohatstva a spôsob života)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 301-312.
The building up of the advanced socialist society ist at the same time a process of formation and of a search for new personal qualities of poeple. The complexity and the unusually tenacious struggle between the retarding and the progressive sets of values only coorroborate the extraordinary urgency of a complex solution of the problems of man. With regard to the… Read more
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Papers - Contradiction as a Category of the History of Philosophy

(Original title: Dejiny filozofie ako boj protirečení)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 313-319.
The author applies Hegel’s thesis that the world is moved by contradiction upon the history of philosophy. In the history of philosophy, this thesis is more valid than in other scientific spheres, namely because of the specific, laden with subjective elements, nature of philosophical cognition. The contradictions emerge not only between materialism and idealism, but… Read more
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(Original title: Protirečenie vzniku a vývoja analytickej filozofie)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 320-326.
The aim of this contribution is to investigate the inner and outer relations of the rise and development of analytical philosophy. This philosophy is a result of the contradictory development of idealistic philosophy that was primarily raised by social antagonisms. The orientation towards language results from the contradiction between the more and more onesidedly… Read more
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(Original title: Jednota svetonázorovej a pracovnej výchovy v systéme komunistickej výchovy vysokoškolákov)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 334-338.
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(Original title: O ideeovom odkaze N. G. Cernyševského (K 150. výročiu narodenia))
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 339-349.
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From Scientific Life

(Original title: Trinásta porada redaktorov filozofických a sociologických časopisov)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 350-351.
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(Original title: Potreby človeka v rozvinutej socialistickej spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 351-356.
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(Original title: Nová vysokoškolská učebnica marxisticko-leninskej filozofie)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 357-359.
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(Original title: Filozofické osnovanie modernej právovedy)
Filozofie, 33 (1978), 3, 359-361.
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(Original title: Problém zákona v marxistickej metodológii vied)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 361-369.
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(Original title: Podnetná etická publikácia)
Filozofia, 33 (1978), 3, 369-372.
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