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Volume 30 (1975), 1

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Filozofia, 30 (1975), 1, 15-27.
Following the character and the consequences of the contemporary scientific-technological development in the sphere of interpersonal connections, the author of the paper attempts at pointing out those factors that shift the phenomenon of man’s responsibility to new positions and that endanger and accentuate it at the same time. In this respect the author specifies… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 30 (1975), 1, 28-44.
On the background of the class-political and ideological characteristics of the period of the national-democratic revolution and nameely of the Slovak National Insurrection some methodological questions of the research of the history of Marxist philosophy in general, and in Slovakia especially, are being analyzed. Some conceptions are criticized, namely when… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 30 (1975), 1, 3-14.
The system of controlling the development of socialist science, technology and production must not leave man to his elemental nature if he is to function as a realiable subject of creation. A really reliable man's functioning here cannot be secured just by taking care of Ir.s professionaltheoretical equipment. It is decisive for the optimum efficacy of the control of… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 30 (1975), 1, 45-56.
The Marxist thinking starts making itself felt in Slovakia as late as a half century after the rise of Marxism. Its first pioneers were, almost exclusively, self-taught workers, without any contribution or a lasting participation of intelligentsia in this movement. Some negative consequences followed for both sides. The paper points out the main problems of the… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 30 (1975), 1, 57-76.
The philosophical analysis of the dialectics of the objective historical process from the point of view of practice represents in the history of philosophical iniciatives an important gnostic progress the substance of which consists in the dialectical-materialistic interpretation of the nature of the subject and object. The philosophical and ideo-methodological… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 30 (1975), 1, 77-93.
In the first part (I) the elementary notion of „ideality“ is determined. The contents of the notion of actual and potential ideality is stated, as well as the nominal and adjective form of the term. In the second part (II) the basic range of questions is presented the solution of which represents the concretization of ideality as a category (gnoseological) of… Čítať ďalej
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