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Volume 40 (1985), 3

Papers - Problems of the Formation of Socialist Personality and Socialist Way of Life

(Original title: K dialektike indivídua a spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 3, 257-270.

The author presupposes that the notion „social“ has quite another signification 1, in the dialectics of the social and the natural as 2, in the dialectics of the social and individual. In the analysis he explicates three levels of the social — the clan, historical and class dimension and he concludes that in the first relation (1) the social dominates as the clan… Read more

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(Original title: K pojmu sociálna integrácia)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 3, 271-284.

Intensive integrative processes in various fields of human society in the period of scientific-technological revolution in both the socialist society and the state monopoly capitalism bring about that the concept „social integration“ assumed world outlook character. Philosophic analysis of social and biotic processes will result in incorporating of the notions „… Read more

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(Original title: K otázke sociálnej determinácie vedomia osobnosti)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 3, 285-298.

The control of processes of formation of socialist personality is formed and cultivated in the process of its own active participation on various sorts of social activity. It is above all objective social conditions of its life, the totality of social reality, social practice that influence formation of the consciousness of personality. However, they are not… Read more

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(Original title: K marxistickému filozofickému prístupu k problematike osob­nosti)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 3, 299-311.

The problem of personality draws the attention of several disciplines. Most frequently personality is perceived either throug the eyes of psychology or biology exclusively. Quite a part of theoreticians, dealing with problems of personality attempt to approach the problem from the interdisciplinary point of view, in order to avoid onesidedness. Neither this… Read more

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(Original title: K problému vzťahu prírodného a sociálneho)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 3, 312-325.

When solving the relation of the natural and social we are often confronted with the fact that dialectics is exhausted by stating the bio-social or bio-psycho-social substance of Man, whereby the principle of materialist monism is tacitly abandoned.

The author finds a methodological presupposition for overcoming of the antinomies of the natural and social… Read more

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(Original title: Spoločenský pokrok v podmienkach socializmu)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 3, 326-335.

Progress in socialism has qualitatively quite a different character in comparison with the preceding types of progress. It is consciously controlled, planned and realized in the interest of the whole society, it has harmonious character. The advancement of science and technology, the growth of social wealth are directed to satisfying of spiritual-cultural needs of… Read more

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(Original title: K otázke chápania subjektu a objektu hodnotových vzťahov)
Filozofia, 40 (1985), 3, 336-345.

When analyzing the value problem it is necessary to realize thoroughly that any object, existing outside and independently of Man, in natural form, has not the character or quality of value. The object takes on value, it becomes the bearer of value in connection with the purposeful objective-practical transforming activity of the subject in which the subject… Read more

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