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Volume 39 (1984), 1

Papers - Methodological and Methodical Issues in the Study of Social Consciousness

(Original title: Teoreticko-metodologická východiska zkoumání procesu formování socialistického vědomí)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 1, 11-21.
The author starts from the scientific Marxist-Leninist conception of consciousness [consciousness as an active reflexion), he underlines the social determination and function of consciousness and analyzes some theoretical-methodological problems of cognizing and forming the socialist social consciousness. He makes difference between the „state of consciousness“ as a… Read more
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(Original title: Socialistické spoločenské vedomie a východiská jeho skúmania)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 1, 22-35.
The basic and inevitable starting point of the investigation of the socialist social consciousness is the materialist solution of the basic philosophical question. Though it is not the only and utterly exhaustive basis. Starting from Marx’s conception of consciousness as an active moment of the totality of life activities of people, socially structured, the author… Read more
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(Original title: Za triedny prístup ku skúmaniu spoločenského vedomia)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 1, 36-46.
In the paper the thought is developed that in investigating the processes of social consciousness we cannot do without the concept of the class antagonism in the period of building up the developed socialism either. The line of antagonism is drawn between the „anti-private property, antibourgeois, class collectivity“ and the bearers of private property tendencies who… Read more
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(Original title: K otázke pojmu „socialistické spoločenské vedomie“)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 1, 47-54.
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(Original title: Dialektika individuálneho a spoločenského vedomia)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 1, 55-65.
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(Original title: Spoločenské vedomie ako faktor reprodukčného cyklu spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 1, 66-74.
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(Original title: Niektoré metodologické otázky výskumu morálneho vedomia)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 1, 75-80.
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(Original title: K problematike individualizácie spoločenského vedomia)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 1, 81-87.
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(Original title: Sociálnopsychické javy v spoločenskom vedomí)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 1, 88-93.
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(Original title: Problém metódy výskumu socialistického vedomia)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 1, 94-99.
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