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Volume 57 (2002), 8


(Original title: Příspěvek k problematice současného morálního diskursu a ideje personality)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 8, 536-540.

The author examines the postmodern conception of individuality, presented by Jules Lipovetsky, as contrasted with the thomistic concept od person. He shows, that with the loss of the conviction, that the human person deserves dignity, the future of the democracy in the civil state as well as the civilization itself would be seriously endangered.

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(Original title: Zrada vzdělanců a "public intellectual")
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 8, 541-545.

Ideas suggested a long time ago by the French thinker about the betrayal of intellectuals (J. Benda 1927, Czech edition 1929) are still actual and challenging. They concern the creative status of a personality in society, especially his/her envolment in polis - Salus rei publicae suprema lex asto. The paper offers also a critical analysis of an international… Read more

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(Original title: Gabriel Marcel a pretrvávajúca hodnota jeho myslenia)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 8, 546-550.

The aim of the paper is to show the philosophy of G. Marcel as a personally experienced encounter with the most burning problems of our times. In his view the philosophical reflection is discovering of the meaningful order of the world. Attention is paid also to the influence, of G. Marcel's work on the thinking of Slovak and Czech philosophers.

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(Original title: Viera - rozum - interpretácia: tri piliere Saadiovho obrazu človeka)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 8, 551-558.

Saadia Gaon never thought much of academic discussions. His interest was rather in his contemporary, living in doubt and religious uncertainty. The author focuses on three conceptions - the backbone of his picture of a religious human being, namely belief, intellect and interpretation. Saadiaś interpretation of belief and human intellect, based on the principles… Read more

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(Original title: Prvenstvo pravdy v epistemológii Edity Steinovej z personalistickej perspektívy)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 8, 559-564.

In her works Edith Stein was able to combine thomism with the contribution of phenomenology. The paper focuses on epistemological problems and examines the consequences of the concept chosen for the theory of person.

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(Original title: Personalizmus a aktuálne problémy súčasnej bioetiky)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 8, 565-570.

The personalist approach is an important contribution to the resolution of the relevant problems of contemporary bioethics. After the period of universally expanded principalism, which was followed by its many-sided criticism, the bioethics finds itself unable to act effectively (due to the theoretical and practical defense of the basic values of human life and… Read more

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(Original title: K Ricœurovej hermeneutickej fenomenológii osoby)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 8, 571-581.

The paper deals with the philosophical anthropology of one of the most important French philosophers, which, starting as a personalist, became devoted to phenomenology and finally became a representative of hermeneutics. Accepting the thesis, according to which philosophies of man as well as all human sciences are reductionist, he asks, whether the hermeneutic… Read more

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(Original title: Prosoponická ontológia a jej perspektívy)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 8, 582-590.

The author gives an outline of the ontology of a universally and personally comprehended being, which, following other philosophers, he calls prosoponic ontology. He points out its importance for future and sees it in a broader context of his creative-evolutionary, pneumatic, trinitary and pleromatic ontology. Out of the analysis of thomistic, especially Thomas'… Read more

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(Original title: Niekoľko poznámok k problému vzťahu vedomia a osoby v duchovno-evolučnej perspektíve človeka)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 8, 591-595.

The paper gives an examination of the concepts of person and consciousness, as well as their interdependence. In the authorś view the interpenetration of person and consciousness is limited, the rest remaining in unconsciousness. The full coincidence of person and consciousness means at once the transcendence of the person, often conceived of as individual.… Read more

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(Original title: Zamyslenie nad modernou spoločnosťou a poukázanie na význam zodpovednosti pre jednotlivca i pre spoločnosť)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 8, 596-599.

The paper is a critique of modern mass and atomized society,in which the individual is loosing himself/herself. To resolve this problem of the self-loss it is necessary to create a moral society on the grounds of basic moral values. One of these values is also the personal responsibility. The problem of responsibility is analyzed on the background of the… Read more

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(Original title: Koncept srdca v etickom personalizme B. P. Vyšeslavceva)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 8, 600-604.

The paper deals with the philosophical problems of human heart ant its moral dimension in philosophy. It focuses on the philosophy of the Russian philosopher B. P. Vysheslavtsev, called also "a philosopher od heart." His conception of heart and its role in the life of humans is seen as the source of the human spiritual life as a whole. "The heart is not only a… Read more

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(Original title: Problém slobody u ruských exilových filozofov 20. storočia)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 8, 605-611.

The paper deals with the problem of human freedom and the freedom of person, as seen by Russian personalist philosophers of the 20th century in their Parisian exile - N. Berdyaev and N. Lossky, both of them influenced by F. M. Dostoyevsky. Their philosophical conceptions derive from existentialism, which is the existential-experiential source of the modern… Read more

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