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Volume 57 (2002), 5


(Original title: Sme väzňami svojho charakteru? (odpoveď Kanta, Sartra a Mouniera))
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 5, 307-320.

The paper gives an analysis of the problem of character, which goes beyond the limits of the traditional ethics of virtue and which aims at the resolution of the essential dilemma - namely the role of determinism in the play of human fortune. The author focuses on two important French authors, whose conceptions of character were based on Kant's philosophy and on… Read more

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(Original title: Problém "prirodzeného sveta" a východiská Patočkovho skúmania dejín filozofie a vedy)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 5, 321-334.

The paper gives an analysis of the theoretical-methodological principles of the philosophy of J. Patočka not only as a historian of philosophy, but also as a historian of science, especially of its revolutionary periods. The aim of the paper is to show that following the general context of his works here also Patočka consistently deals with the central issue of… Read more

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(Original title: Výzva techniky len pre Martina Heideggera?)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 5, 335-341.

In several of his late works Martin Heidegger points to a serious problem of Western civilization, which is forced, in the world of global technological systems, to look for a new way of thinking, by means of which the humanity would achieve a proper, free relationship to our technological era. According to his analyses the modern technology is a direct… Read more

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(Original title: Úvod do súčasnej estetiky)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 5, 342-348.
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(Original title: Musilova vízia civilizačnej drámy)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 5, 349-356.
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(Original title: Z odkazu Teilharda de Chardin (pri príležitosti 120. výročia narodenia, 1881-1955))
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 5, 357-360.
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(Original title: Budovať, bývať, myslieť)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 5, 361-371.
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(Original title: Husserl v rodinnej korešpondencii (K. Schuhmann, E. Schuhmannová, eds.))
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 5, 372-373.
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(Original title: "Poznáte ich po ovocí" (zborník Ruská filozofia v druhej polovici 20. storočia, ed. I. L. Andrejevová))
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 5, 373-376.
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(Original title: Za Imrichom Staríčkom (17. 11. 1919 - 26. 1. 2002))
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 5, 377-379.
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(Original title: Filozof Hans-Georg Gadamer zomrel vo veku 102 rokov)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 5, 380-381.
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