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Volume 55 (2000), 2


(Original title: Ortega a jazyk)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 2, 110-117.
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(Original title: Problémy konštituovania filozofického hispanizmu)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 2, 118-123.
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(Original title: Osoba nie je bytím pre seba ani bytím pre svet)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 2, 124-129.
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(Original title: Španielske kvarteto)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 2, 130-138.
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(Original title: Prvá meditácia)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 2, 139-150.
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(Original title: Sto rokov španielskej filozofie (od moderny k postmoderne))
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 2, 70-84.

The paper outlines the essential developments in Spanish philosophy of the 20th century. It shows the Spanish philosophy appering on the European philosophical arena as late as at the beginning of the 20th century and as related to the criticism of the project of the European modernity. The grounds of the marginalization of Spain in the frame of modern European… Read more

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(Original title: Esej v španielskej myšlienkovej tradícii (krátky náčrt))
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 2, 85-87.
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(Original title: Exil, literatúra, filozofia (španielsky exil 1939))
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 2, 88-93.
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(Original title: Svetlina sveta: od logu k mýtu. V závere desať téz. (Chodníčkami Martina Heideggera))
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 2, 94-109.
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