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Volume 55 (2000), 8


(Original title: Epistemologické aspekty moderného maliarstva)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 8, 601-619.

The aim of the paper is to analyse the geometrical aspects of a series of modern paintings and to show the parallel between them and the development of modern geometry. It starts with El Greco, offering a geometrical explanation of his painting the figures in a prolonged manner. Further the analogy between the impressionist way of creating space (in the works of… Read more

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(Original title: K dvom významom pojmu zopdovednosť)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 8, 620-631.

The main argument of the paper is, that there are two menanigs of the concept of responsibility. On one hand there is the meaning bringing the responsibility together with the idea of imputable actions and on the other hand the concept of responsibility defined through the quality of warranty. The responsibility is thus seen as related to the human behaviour as… Read more

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(Original title: Archetypy v čínskej kozmogónii a v Tao Te Tíngu)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 8, 632-648.

The point od departure in the author´s argumentation is the perception and understanding of the world by the archaic humans, i. e. the metaphorical, archaic, mythical way of thinking. He sees the Greek and Chinese philosophy as deriving from mythical thinking, especially from the cosmogony and cosmology of archaic nations. Together with Yung and Eliade he calls… Read more

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(Original title: Odpoveď L. Kvaszovi alebo o banalite a bizarnosti)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 8, 649-653.
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(Original title: O filozofii, Žofii, Človeče, nehnevaj sa, ÚV KSČ a o inom)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 8, 654-658.
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(Original title: Náboženstvo a politika na pôde moderny)
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 8, 659-666.
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(Original title: Národovci a občania (T. Pichler))
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 8, 667-669.
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(Original title: Sparagmos alebo správa o počiatkoch a pozadí filozofie (M. Šedina))
Filozofia, 55 (2000), 8, 670-672.
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