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Volume 37 (1982), 2

Papers - Methodological Problems of the Research of the History of Philosophy in Slovakia

(Original title: Počiatky šírenia marxistickej filozofie)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 2, 149-157.
The period of the beginning of propagation of Marxist philosophic opinions in the region of the present Slovakia may be roughly specified from the period of the last decade of the nineteenth century to the foundation of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in 1921. It is thus three decades during which the organizations of social democratic party in Slovakia were… Read more
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(Original title: Filozofia v medzivojnovom období)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 2, 158-168.
The philosophic thought in Slovakia in the period between the two world wars may be divided into three main streams: 1. the Marxist thought, 2. the thought of the positivist-realistic orientation, 3. the speculative-theological thought. The author holds that the research must concentrate especially on the first two streams as it was in these directions that the main… Read more
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(Original title: Rozvoj marxisticko-leninskej filozofie v rokoch 1945—1948)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 2, 169-181.
In the contribution the author deals with methodological questions of the development of the Marxist-Lenioist philosophy in Slovakia in the years from 1945 to 1948. The thinks it necessary in the framework of concrete histaricaliphilosophical research to take regard of several aspects: 1. the analysis of social presuppositions as well as theoretical traditions that… Read more
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(Original title: Osvietenská filozofia na Slovensku)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 2, 182-193.
The paper deals with the solving of two methodological problems in the working up of the history of Slovak philosophy of Enlightenment and the period after Enlightenment: the struggle of materialism against idealism and the immanent development. Since materialism had not appeared in the history of Slovak philosophy for a long time, its development lead to… Read more
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(Original title: Filozofia v období pôsobenia trnavskej univerzity)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 2, 194-204.
In the presented contribution methodological procedures of historleal-philosophical investigations are made concrete in the source materials of Slovak philosophy in the 17th and 18th century during the activities of Trnava University. The author analyzes the social-historical, cultural context and the imanent philosophical tradition as determinants, constituting the… Read more
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(Original title: O širší kontext filozofie národného obrodenia)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 2, 205-218.
In connection with the synthetic work on the history of Slovak philosophy that is being prepared, the author of the contribution brings up above all the question of the clarification and unification of criteria of its dividing into periods. She gives reasons for her opinion, following from the the contemporary state of the working out of theoretical-methodological… Read more
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