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Volume 35 (1980), 5


(Original title: K teórii dejín filozofie)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 5, 461-472.
In the first part of the paper various approaches to history of philosophical thought are analysed; the stress is laid, above all, on the criticism of the conception of imanent development of philosophy and on the criticism of conceptions which conceive philosophical thought as mere reflection of psychological or social factors and which deny gnoseological function… Read more
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(Original title: Marxisticko-leninská metóda dejín filozofie)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 5, 473-486.
Marxist-Leninist history of philosophy investigates variability of philosophical doctrines, their concrete-historical content and character that changes dynamically and is developed in contradictional unity. To grasp, to appropriate and to explain this dynamic variability and contradictional development of history of philosophy is a complicated problem which… Read more
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(Original title: Historizmus a jeho rôzne koncepcie v dejinách fi­lozofie)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 5, 487-500.
Historicism expresses the relation between philosophy and history in a general way. It differentiates between ontological, gnoseological, methodological and logical aspects. Hegel dealt with this problem in the most general and multidimensional way. Philosophical conceptions that made effort in specifying the relation of philosophy and history in the later period… Read more
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(Original title: Filozofické názory členov Učenej spoločnosti malohontskej)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 5, 501-509.
The paper presents an analysis of philosophical conceptions developed in the circles of the Learned Society of Malohont. The author specifies their position and their importance in the context of European Enlightment, their internal link up to progressive intellectual movements of their epoque. He holds it is possible to find side by side with conservative and… Read more
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(Original title: Rozpad pozitivismu v českém meziválečném buržoazním filo­zofickém myšlení — Josef Ludvík Fischer)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 5, 510-526.
In his paper the author analyses the pre-war philosophy of J. L. Fischer as a non-typical example of Czech bourgeois philosophy in the period between the two wars. The author concentrates upon the criticism of positivism as it is developed in the philosophical, cultural-critical and journalistic works of J. L. Fischer. He points out where the core of Fischer’s… Read more
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(Original title: Axiologické koncepcie českých buržoáznych filozofov I. po­lovice 20.stor. z hľadiska ideologickej funkcie filozofie)
Filozofia, 35 (1980), 5, 527-535.
The author investigates the conceptions of representatives of the Czech bourgeois philosophy in the first half of the XX-th century, concerning problems of the relation of values and evaluating. He confronts their opinions with the Marxist standpoint, especially as far as the objectivity of values, of evaluating and the character of social activity of Man is… Read more
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