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Volume 50 (1995), 7


(Original title: Korešpondencia, nesúmerateľnosť, neurčitosť prekladu a porozumenie)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 7, 329-342.

In the paper Bohr's principle of correspondence along with its various interpretations are analysed. Attantion is paid to Kuhn's and Feyerabend's conceptions of the incommensurability of scientific theories, to Quine's notion of the indeterminacy of translation, to Munéver's conception of understanding a radically new knowledge as well as to Kmita's understanding… Read more

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(Original title: Popperova kritika indukcionizmu)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 7, 343-352.

Popper's argumentation against inductionism was inspired by Hume's conception. On one hand, the inductionism is psychologically understandable, on the other hand, it is logically incorrect. Being grounded in multiple observations, it is a myth of uncritical methodology. On Popper's view, not even an empirical science builds on the induction principle. Conceiving… Read more

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(Original title: Evolučná teória poznania a problém apriórnych základov poznania)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 7, 353-360.

The aim of the paper is to show the way of resolving the problem of apriori in so called evolutionary epistemology, especially in its „scientific“ version. The author focuses his attention upon the distinction between Kant's concept of apriori and that of evolutionary epistemology, and comes to the conclusion that despite its putting in a claim to having solved… Read more

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(Original title: Môže byť vedecké poznanie (len) objektívne? (Diskusie v súčasnej feministickej epistemologii))
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 7, 361-370.

The paper focuses on the changing relation between subjectivity and objectivity as articulated in contemporary feminist epistemological conceptions. Most feminist theoretists share the criticism of traditional dichotomic thinking, within which subjectivity and objectivity were conceived of as mutually excluded opposites. The feminist criticism focuses further on… Read more

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(Original title: O rozšírení hraníc európskej filozofie. Rozhovor so Suzanne Stern-Gilletovou)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 7, 371-374.
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Elementa Philosophiae - Philosophy for Schools

(Original title: K východiskám etiky životného prostredia)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 7, 375-381.
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(Original title: K niektorým tendenciám vo vývoji evolučnej epistemológie)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 7, 383-388.
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(Original title: Slovenské filozofické združenie pri SAV - oznam)
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 7, 382.
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(Original title: Monografia o transformácii súčasného poznania (Elizabeth K. Minnich))
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 7, 389-391.
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(Original title: Život začína v krematóriu (R. Steindl))
Filozofia, 50 (1995), 7, 391-392.
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