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Volume 26 (1971), 1

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Filozofia, 26 (1971), 1, 14-25.
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Filozofia, 26 (1971), 1, 26-31.
The author has conceived, his paper as a contribution to the elucidation of one aspect of dialectics of theory and practice. He analyzes explanation as a process of search for answers to questions of a certain type. He has noticed especially the function of the categories of the particular and of the general, and he has voiced several critical remarks to Hempel’s… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 26 (1971), 1, 32-44.
The notions of „theory“ and „practice“ have, on the philosophical level of consideration, their own specificality by which they differ from the current usage. Practice, in the sense of Marx’s theory, is the life process of individuals who are materiály active and theory is a moment of this process and at the same time its expression of ideas. Theory as the moment of… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 26 (1971), 1, 45-54.
The author argues that Hegel had to accept, consistently with geology findings of that time, that not only the Earth as a whole but also in it preserved extinct plants and animals had their history in sequence. There is, however, a contraversy as Hegel recognizes the transformation of the Earth surface and, naturally, also of life conditions, but on the other hand he… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 26 (1971), 1, 55-65.
The author has pointed out a possible theoretical-philosophical solution of differenciating reality, proceeding from the knowledge of special sciences and on the basic principles of dialectical materialism. He formulates the asignment of levels of reality and attempts, on the basis of the' theory of levels, at a dynamic conception of reality. The author shows that… Čítať ďalej
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Filoozofia, 26 (1971), 1, 6-13.
In the article devoted to the centenary of Lenin’s birthday the author analyzes the significance of Lenin’s works for all the fields of contemporary science. In the first part he analyzes Lenin’s thesis of the unexhaustibility of electron. After the conception that the atom is undivisable and unchanging failed, science was to decide between two possible solutions.… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 26 (1971), 1, 66-81.
Z. T. Huszty, an Enlightenment physician from Bratislava (1754 — 1804), whose works had found a considerable response even behind the Hungarian borders (and the recent special literature also pays attention to them), dealt with medical problems first of all, with the reforms of pharmacy, with so called medical police, a predecessor of modern social hygiene. In this… Čítať ďalej
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