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Volume 25 (1970), 2

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Filozofia, 25 (1970), 2, 105-118.
The article presents an outline of some aspects of the nature of new materialism in comparison with old materialism, and that in the traditional field of classical materialism, e. i., in ontology and with it connected problematic of the philosophical image of the world, epistemology, the question of the philosophical basis and meaning of science. There is emphasized… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 25 (1970), 2, 119-129.
A fruitful ontological analysis of the theory of reflection must atempt to solve the problem of consciousness; providing we approach the theory of reflection by means of the objective concept of object and subject without distinguishing the phenomenal and transphenomenal world we cannot analyse the starting point of the theory of reflection satisfactorily either.… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 25 (1970), 2, 130-142.
The nature of science and philosophy may be delimited in various ways according to the starting point we hold. To determine it, from the ontological viewpoint, means to approach not only philosophy but science also from the philosophical viewpoint. The philosophical approach, of caurse, is not exhousted by the ontological approach, is much more profound. However, the… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 25 (1970), 2, 143-153.
The starting point of the article is the current intuitive characteristic of the dialectical contradiction known from the work of the classics of Marxism-Leninism. It is an attempt to reconstruct the dialectical contradiction as a rational type of relation in the experiment on thinking or in the practice of thinking. In the first part empirical characteristics of the… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 25 (1970), 2, 154-160.
The article proceeds from the idea that multifarious forms and types of explanation is impossible adequately analyse from the position of a single syntactic model but that it is necessary to consider various semantic, practical, and contextual aspects. Therefore we pronaunce some critical remarks to Hempel's „reconstruction“ of explanation as well as to the… Čítať ďalej
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Filzofia, 25 (1970), 2, 161-164.
Some Marxist philosophers have lately blamed Engels and Lenin on acount of their positivistic interpretation of Marxism. They say that the positivusm of Engels and Lenin consists in their argument that for Marx the social world of reality is governed as much by lawfulness as the natural one is, and that its processes occur as necessarily as that of the natural world… Čítať ďalej
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