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Volume 28 (1973), 3

Papers and Discussions

(Original title: Prvky novej vedy a novej metódy v Koperníkovom diele)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 3, 207-221.
Starting from the generally acknowledged Weltanschauung importance of Copernicus’s work the author tries to apprehend the sources and causes of this importance in the very work of the great astronomer. He holds the opinion that the deepest presuppositions of the far-reaching effect of Copernicus’s work even out of the sphere of science lie in the qualities of this… Read more
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(Original title: Hmota a elementárne častice)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 3, 222-230.
Objectification is a transition from being out of our consciousness into the form of empiric-practical objects, i. e. into reality. The empiric-practically characterized being, this is matter. Namely time and space are the basic modes of all material being. The mode of existence of matter is expressed by mutual connections, operation and contradictions. There is no… Read more
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(Original title: Semislabý a historický aspekt vedeckej metódy)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 3, 231-245.
The paper reassumes the study „The Character of Scientific Method“ (Filozofia, 1972, No 6). Its task is to prove that the scientific method as a whole cannot be either strong, or semi-strong, nor weak method. In the strong method everything is determined at the beginning by the starting-point and by the unambiguous graduality; in our case there are determined all… Read more
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(Original title: O niektorých vzťahoch medzi vedou — technikou — výrobou)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 3, 246-255.
It is science that has the decisive share in the break of the traditional, originated in the industrialrevolution, structure of the forces of production, the science that changes into the main force of production and that introduces chemical, physical, nuclear and biological processes into production. Science attains new dimensions and social orientation. This… Read more
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(Original title: Leninský princíp nevyčerpateľnosti hmoty a filozofické problémy súčasnej fyziky)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 3, 256-269.
Modern physics and other branches of science have been developing intensively. This development demands a deep philosophical analysis of respective theories. If on the one hand physics has reached remarkable results, elaborated the methods of solution and has been formulating new problems (various theories as e. g. theory of relativity, quantum physics, theory of… Read more
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(Original title: K vzájomnému vzťahu prirodzeného a formalizovaného jazyka)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 3, 270-276.
The paper starts from the idea that in contrast to the artificial significative systems the natural language cannot be taken for a purely significative creation, even if the elements of significative capacity cannot be denied. The language of science as a whole is influenced by the natural language and by formalized systems. From this point of view the paper… Read more
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(Original title: Eliminačné koncepcie priestoru a času)
Filozofia, 28 (1973), 3, 277-291.
In this paper the author has attempted at an analysis of Zimmerman’s and Chew 2 conception of space and time. The author calls these approaches towards the concept of the substance of space and time eliminative conceptions of space and time. They are the best known ones of a larger number of similar non-marxist conceptions of space and time. They refuse to recognize… Read more
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