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Volume 39 (1984), 4

Papers - Research in the History of Philosophical Thought in Slovakia

(Original title: K metodologickým otázkam výskumu dejín filozofického myslenia na Slovensku)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 4, 402-416.
The paper means a contribution to the more than thirty years old discussion on methodologic question of the study of philosophic thought in Slovakia. They are analyzing most of all the problem of the adequate undestanding of the struggle of materialism against idealism in the history of philosophy in general and in our national history in particular. The… Read more
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(Original title: Boj o marxisticko-leninské filozofické myslenie na Slovensku v r. 1938—1944)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 4, 417-430.
The period of the Slovak National Rising holds its importance also in the research of the history of philosophic thought in Slovakia especially because it is here that the decisive ideologic struggle, the struggle of Marxist-Leninist ideology and philosophy against bourgeois ideology took place. From the point of view of the development of Marxist-Leninist philosophy… Read more
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(Original title: Intuitívny realizmus a jeho kritika v prácach Igora Hrušovského a Stanislava Felbera)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 4, 431-444.
In the paper a critical reaction against the spreading of the idealist school — intuitive realism — in the Slovak philosophy of the forties is analyzed. It is mostly a critical response of progressively oriented philosophers — I. Hrušovský and S. Felber — to the Works and Papers of N. 0. Losskij and his Slovak followers — J. Dieška, P. Gula, M. Chladný-Hanoš. The… Read more
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(Original title: Sociálno-filozofické východiská Hodžovej ideológie agrarizmu)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 4, 445-460.
In the paper the author deals with some social-philosophical principles (the Voice Movement) used in forming the ideologic conception of agrarianism in Slovakia at the turn of the 19th and 20th century, with the view to the ideologic conception of its chief proponent Milan Hodža in particular. He critically analyzes theoretical approaches of Hodža to some groups of… Read more
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(Original title: Svetonázor a filozofia Jonáša Záborského)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 4, 461-473.
Jonáš Záborský was an interesting character as a philosopher and thinker. He was a theologian and his views on philosophy were negative for quite a long time because in his eyes philosophy pretended to solve problems by means of reason only while, by Záborský they could be solved by means of belieb only. His critical and satirical spirit, regarding everything with… Read more
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(Original title: Scotistická tradícia na Slovensku a P. Veselý — II)
Filozofia, 39 (1984), 4, 474-482.
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