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Volume 58 (2003), 7


(Original title: Wittgensteinove názory na etiku v strednom a neskorom období jeho filozofického vývinu)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 7, 437-449.

In her analysis the author comes to the conclusion, that Wittgensteinś conception of ethics in the end of 1920s was marked by: 1. an ambiguous and confusing explanation of the term "ethics"; 2. continuously putting stress on fact/value difference as well as on the ethical being beyond the expression; 3. introducing the difference between the relative and the… Read more

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(Original title: Zakladateľská osobnosť slovenskej profesionálnej filozofie)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 7, 450-461.

The paper was written on the occasion of the 25th aniversary of the death of the most important representative of modern Slovak philosophy, scientist and teacher Igor Hrušovský. The author outlines the main periods of his life and professional activities: beginning with his membership in the association Scientific Sythesis, organizing the scientific research and… Read more

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(Original title: Sellarsov mýtus o danom)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 7, 462-470.

The paperś aim is an analytical analysis of the basic characteristics of the Sellarsian myth of the Given. The author shows, why the story about the Given is a myth, examinating at the same time Sellarś arguments and his opinions on sensations, knowledge and the relationship between noninferential and inferential beliefs. The author also tries to show the… Read more

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(Original title: Environmentálne hodnoty v hodnotových systémoch)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 7, 471-483.

Recently the problematic of values and value orientations became one of the most frequently addressed. Social changes are directly and also indirectly related to values and the latter seem to be directly implied by the cultural and social changes connected with changing value orientations and thus also the changing norms. The changes concern the target values, as… Read more

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(Original title: Náčrt kritiky Kierkegaardovho konceptu lásky v diele M. Bubera, T. W. Adorna a K. E. Løgstrupa)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 7, 484-493.

Kierkegaard developed his concept of love in his pseudonym works as well as in works published under his own name. The works, in which love has been made a more explicit subject (as in Works of Love), were incessantly criticized. The criticism of M. Buber, T. W. Adorno and K E. Løgstrup focused on the social dimension of Kierkegaard s concept of love and on the… Read more

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(Original title: Je subjektívna skúsenosť redukovateľná?)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 7, 494-503.

The problem of the relationship between the subjective and the objective appears in its most distinctive form in the explanation of the phenomenon of consciousness. Is consciousness explicable in the frame of physicalist picture of the world? Does the existence of a subjective phenomenal experience imply a non-material aspect of consciousness? These are the… Read more

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