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Volume 52 (1997), 2


(Original title: O potrebe synergického efektu v syntéze intelektuálneho dedičstva všetkých svetových civilizácií)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 2, 106-113.

By the help of various examples from the history of life on this planet the author (she) disclosures the presence od bipolar synergy in the processes, organisms and structures of being. For her this bipolar synergy is one of the basic ontological laws of life on the earth. The contribution of the synergic effect is, however, still minimalized by the ideological… Read more

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(Original title: K otázke výstavby hodnotových systémov v environmentálnej etike)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 2, 73-80.

The problems of value standards stressing the value of nature, the nature of human and social beings are the traditional ones in environmental ethics. The author (she) outlines two different approaches to the problems. Attention is paid to the modification of the existing value hierarchies and to the building of the alternative ones. The place of responsibility in… Read more

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(Original title: Intencionalita: tradičné dichotómie vo filozofii jazyka a mysle a Wittgensteinova itemalistická stratégia ich prekonania)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 2, 81-88.

The paper examines Wittgenstein's approach to intentionality in his Philosophical Investigations and Philosophical Grammar. Wittgenstein's criticism of "Bedeutungskörper", the shadow object is outlined. The presence of the latter makes dead signs and sounds meaningful!. It is showed, how this criticism was applied to the sphere of mind with its… Read more

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(Original title: Postmoderná ochrana prírody, alebo trvalo udržateľný rozvoj?)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 2, 89-97.

In last few decades the term "protection of nature" has been widely accepted. Its meaning has changed remarkably during this period. The role of philosophy grew rapidly in this process and is still growing especially in our times, when the traditional protection of nature is replaced by a postmodern one. It is necessary to distinguish between syncertic "… Read more

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(Original title: Pluralita forem racionality a teleologický rozum)
Filozofia, 52 (1997), 2, 98-105.

The article is a contribution to the articulation of the concept of rationality. It disclosures the paradoxes of postmodern conception of radical plurality of the forms of rationality. The introduction of the concept "teleological mind" makes the overcoming of this paradox possible. The article is an attempt to prove, to articulate and to apply this concept.

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