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Volume 38 (1983), 6


(Original title: Integrácia v biologických a ekologických vedách)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 6, 659-667.
The characteristic sign of the present time is the link between the profound changes in social relations and the revolution in science and technology. Also the future of socialism is connected with the development of science as the immediate productive force. All this brings up broad and basic questions also for philosophy of science. Under the contemporary… Read more
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(Original title: K integračným procesom v súčasnej vede)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 6, 668-681.
The author deals with the dialectics of the totality of factors which determine variedly the development of scientific theories and disciplines. It is due to their influence that so-called partial achievements of science, materialized in the periods between great discoveries, may be interpreted rationally. The author analyzes interactions between scientific… Read more
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(Original title: K problematike diferenciačných a integračných procesov vo vede)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 6, 682-696.
The process of differentiation and integration of scientific knowledge is the core of the problem of the history of science and the classification of sciences. Its analysis is concentrated mostly on the sphere of natural sciences and their relation to philosophy. Two contradictory opinions on the rise of special (natural) sciences arose — the one believes they were… Read more
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(Original title: K niektorým aspektom zmyslových foriem odrazu)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 6, 697-707.
It is necessary to study perceptual processes in their genetical-functional dependence on material-objective activity. The forming of sensori-motor information as a base for creation of full-value sense-perception does not proceed in isolation. In the reproductive cycle of human knowing it is always mediated by rational cognition and practice, owing to which it… Read more
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(Original title: K filozofickým aspektom účelnej činnosti)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 6, 708-716.
When explaining philosophical questions of purposeful activity the author takes account of both biological and social, economic, cultural factors. Their neglecting goes in danger of mechanicism or reductionism on one hand, on the other hand of idealism and mysticism. In the purposeful activity of Man the use of instruments and language as means of communication are… Read more
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(Original title: K otázkam funkčnej integrácie komponentov spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 6, 717-727.
The regularities of social changes cannot be reduced to pure social laws in themselves. They do not work as independent, self-sufficient social laws of various substructures of the society (technological-productive, economic, social-politic and cultural). Even natural laws of geo-biostructure enter — in a way — in the structure of specific social laws. As non-… Read more
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