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Volume 60 (2005), 2


(Original title: Stoicko-akademická polemika o poznaní)
Filozofia, 60 (2005), 2, 77-89.

The paper tries to represent the polemic between the Stoics and the sceptically oriented Academy, concerning the abilities of human knowledge. It gives a brief account of the stoic epistemology on the basis of the characteristics of its criterion of knowledge – cataleptic fantasy. The description of the external and internal features of the latter is the ground of… Read more

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(Original title: Platónova koncepcia človeka)
Filozofia, 60 (2005), 2, 90-102.

Plato did not write any systematic essay on man. The analysis of a human being as such was not among his primary interests. It was rather the relationship between the man and the society and the world. Regardless to the Plato’s fragmentary statements about man, his anthropology can be identified. The paper gives an outline of Plato’s vision of man on the basis of… Read more

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(Original title: Filozofický pohľad na rovnosť žien a mužov: perspektíva J. S. Milla)
Filozofia, 60 (2005), 2, 103-114.

The paper highlights some of John Stuart Mill’s views on the problem of gender equality, as expressed in his The Subjection of Women. The paper outlines the historical context of Mill’s conception and gives an analysis of his criticism of social conditions which lead to the subordination of women. It shows also the philosopher’s main ideas and arguments… Read more

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(Original title: K regularitnej koncepcii kauzality v historiografii)
Filozofia, 60 (2005), 2, 115-127.

It is a crucial issue for history to determine a cause or a causal relation between two events. The regularity theory of causation is one of the most popular approach to this problem. The paper analyzes mainly how this approach deals with the determination of a causal condition and with the choice of the main cause from the remaining causal conditions. It examines… Read more

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(Original title: Mysliac na profesora Józefa Bańku (K sedemdesiatym narodeninám filozofa))
Filozofia, 60 (2005), 2, 128-143.
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(Original title: Filozof mystickej intuície (N. O. Losskij))
Filozofia, 60 (2005), 2, 144-146.
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(Original title: Umberto Eco k vybraným problémom prítomnosti (U. Eco))
Filozofia, 60 (2005), 2, 146-148.
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