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Volume 69 (2014), 7


Filozofia, 69 (2014), 7, 549-557.

The article focuses on the investigation of human and inhuman from the non-anthropocentric perspective. It deals with the authors who do not take humanity of human being for granted. These authors describe becoming human as a possible dimension of living experience. The analysis starts with Judith Butler’s Giving an Account of Oneself and her interpretation of… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 69 (2014), 7, 558-568.

In his work, recently departed French philosopher Henri Maldiney, examines the forms of human experiencing on formal level of openness to the world. According to him the fundamental modes of human experiencing in real sense are aisthesis and kinesis, what means certain formal emptiness, and at the same time a transformation. Transformation as a modification and… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 69 (2014), 7, 569-580.

The category of mutuality that comes from Martin Buber’s dialogical philosophy is among those often discussed. What seems to be especially problematic is Buber’s maintaining that every I-Thou relationship is characterized by mutuality. Therefore the aim of the submitted paper is to clarify Buber’s understanding of mutuality as an integral part of I-Thou… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 69 (2014), 7, 581-590.

It is just there, where he stands clearly against Heidegger, that Levinas profoundly approaches that what makes a human being human. Here he is an ever more radical defender of the irreducibility of subjectivity in the era proclaiming the death of subject. Such subjectivity meets the ethical requirement already in the form of sensual, bodily sensitivity or… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 69 (2014), 7, 591-603.

The paper’s focus is on the social cognition in humans and other great apes. Both the traditional debate on the theory of mind in chimpanzees, and the current influential account of shared intentionality as the locus of anthropological difference are based on questionable representationalist and intellectualist views of the mind. The proponents of the so-called… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 69 (2014), 7, 604-612.

The main goal of this paper is to analyse the unrepresentability of non-human (e.g. animal, angelic, etc.). The essay distinguishes two approaches to this unrepresentability, a negative and a positive one. The negative approach (connected here with the “linear” model of perception) denies the unrepresentability, and tries to convert it into some kind of… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 69 (2014), 7, 613-622.

In the contribution two Plotinus ́ treatises are scrutinized in order to unveil the possible self-giveness of soul on one side and intellect on the other. Plotinus ́ concept of soul borders on the definition of a human being (whose constitution depends on the soul descending into him), while the intellect is divine, non-human. In Plotinus self-giveness means self-… Čítať ďalej

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