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Kreačno-evolučná a pneumaticko-ontologická interpretácia základnej slobody a zodpovednej slobody

Filozofia, 54 (1999), 2, 73-80.
Typ článku: State

The paper is a summary of the author's studies in the ontological basis of freedom. The author argues, that the Christian conception of freedom and its conception in the philosophy of the 20th century converge and make the understanding of man s freedom as the transcendental condition of all his spiritual activity possible. Further, he explains, how the concetps of "essential freedom", "metaphysical freedom” and "transcenedntal freedom" are related. In the second part of the paper the author developes a conception of essential freedom on the basis of his cerationary-evolutionary philosopy. He sees the essential freedom as the freedom for the selfrealization of the inherent project of man's personal being, i. e. of his potentiality. This project is implemented in the process of man s spiriual-evolutionary ontogenesis - the essential freedom is thus being constituted in the pneumatic relatioships to others ands first of all to God. Thus the responsibility of freedom becomes evident. The ontological conditins of man s development are discussed as well. In conclusion the author depicts the pnematological-ontological alienation of contemporary culture as the crisis in the enforcement of the responsible freedom.

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