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Volume 36 (1981), 5


(Original title: O špecifiku sociálneho poznania)
Filozofia, 36 (1981), 5, 493-506.
Social knowledge represents a particular kind of scientific knowledge, subordinating itself to its general criteria and Jaws. The specifity of social knowledge depends immediately on the specific character of the social reality itself, the social form of the motion of matter. It is determined by the typical qualitative distinctiveness of social life, the laws of its… Read more
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(Original title: Marxisticko-leninská filozofia — základ pre filozofické skúmanie výchovy)
Filozofia, 36 (1981), 5, 507-521.
Education as a process, involving the society as a whole, of psychological shaping of the new generations, in the course of the development of socialist society becomes a more and more important subject of scientific investigation and management. In the paper the author points out the necessity of solving several basic philosophical problems of education. He lays… Read more
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(Original title: Hľadisko praxe v dialektike emancipácie a integrácie človeka)
Filozofia, 36 (1981), 5, 522-534.
The gnoseologic progress, achieved by introducing the category of practice in the analysis of philosophical problems of Man, manifested itself especially in connection with the question of emancipation and integration of Man. This dialectically manysided and innerly contradictory development of Man, the forming of his personal individuality and sociability was… Read more
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(Original title: Gnozeologické východiská výskumu kultúrnych potrieb)
Filozofia, 36 (1981), 5, 535-548.
The paper puts it as its starting point that cultural needs as all human needs represent a subjective-objective relation. The author concentrates upon the subjective component of cultural needs. Their bearer is the human personality. The human personality is always a subject of its own needs, its own activity. It does not, however, mean these needs arise capriciously… Read more
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