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Volume 32 (1977), 2

Papers - Marxism and Structuralism

(Original title: Kategória interakcie)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 2, 166-172.
The specific constellation or configuration of concrete interactions constitutes the characteristic mode of material being of every object. The essence of the object is contradictory in all its dimensions and deep layers. Every concrete object can be acquired only in its differentiation, in its bindings and antagonisms, in what I call its dialectical-structural… Read more
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(Original title: Problém tvorenia objektívnych štruktúr)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 2, 173-177.
Structuralism cannot solve its extreme problem — the process of the creation of objective structures. Marxism solves this problem by introducing the notion of genetic structure and by elaborating the structural-genetic proceedings (the logical and historical methods].
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(Original title: Štrukturalizmus a psychológia)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 2, 178-183.
The paper analyzes the influence of structuralism upon psychology. Structuralism, attempting to hide its idealistic agnosticism, fetishized the notion of structure, field, gestalt, system, model. In spite of the experimental fertility of gestaltism it failed in elucidating the substance of perception, thinking, forgetting. Informative proceedings, e. g., showed that… Read more
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(Original title: Hlavné črty slovenského jazykovedného štrukturalizmu)
Filozofia, 32 (1977), 2, 184-190.
Structuralism made itself felt as the leading direction of research in Slovak linguistics in the 1930s and the 1940s. The idealistic natute of structuralism was realized, but the Slovak linguists did not collaborate with the idealistically orientated philosophers. There was no philosophical-theoretical trend in Slovak linguistic structuralism. There is no programme… Read more
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