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Volume 58 (2003), 3


(Original title: Etické dimenzie čistého súdu vkusu v Kantovej estetike)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 3, 147-154.

The paper deals with pure judgments of taste in Kantś aesthetics regarding the meaning they achieve due to the presence of the other (different) subject. In his Critique of Judgment Kant defines the subject as a physical individual endowed with feelings, related not only to objects, but rather expanding this relation on the community of others. Therefore… Read more

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(Original title: O skupine kristianistov alebo ako to bolo s tzv. "jakubčíkizmom" na Slovensku)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 3, 155-168.

The paper depicts a group of intellectuals, so called "Christianists", which during the communist totality (1948 - 1971) in Slovakia held secret regular meetings to create a Christian ideological platform, which was intended as an opposition to dominating Marxist ideology of scientific socialism. The document "From Christ to Marx, from Marx to Christ" indicates,… Read more

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(Original title: Raný Wittgenstein o etike)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 3, 169-180.

The aim of the paper is the analysis of Wittgensteinś views on ethics in his early writings, namely in his Notebooks (1914 – 1916) and Tractatus. His understanding of ethics in this period might be characterized as follows: 1. Ethics is beyond any expression. 2. Ethics, like God, goodness, values or logic, is beyond the world. 3. Ethics is… Read more

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(Original title: Machiavelli a doba renesancie)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 3, 181-187.

The paper focuses - in the context of the Renaissance period - on Machiavelli as the founder of a new discipline, namely political science. The author sees an analogy between the rise of the latter and the rise of modern science on the experiential basis. The important idea is that the political system is a human product. From the study of the social reality of… Read more

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(Original title: Je ešte možný spoločný svet? Alebo o jednote v mnohosti a o spoločnom základe v potencii II. časť: Komplexná doména potencie)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 3, 188-198.

The paper is an attempt at a definition of a common ground with its immanent potency as the founding force of various forms of the world common to all people. Its first part gives a brief outline of the conceptions of this common ground in the history of European thinking, such as Platos' case. Cusanus' community or joined unity and Whiteheads' creativity. The… Read more

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(Original title: Metafyzika diferencie teoretického a praktického: K zodpovednosti nášho myslenia za vlastné konanie)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 3, 199-208.
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(Original title: Vnímanie a zachytávanie života (M. Henry o umení))
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 3, 209-212.
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(Original title: Skúsenosti Nikolaja A. Berďajeva s antropozofmi)
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 3, 213-216.
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(Original title: Paradoxy v logike a filozofii (B. Švandová))
Filozofia, 58 (2003), 3, 217-219.
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