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Volume 54 (1999), 1


Filozofia, 54 (1999), 1, 1-13.

The paper is concerned with the nature and function of axioms or common principles in Aristotle's theory of demonstrative science. Having formulated the law of contradiction, the law of the excluded middle, as well as the axiom EQUALS, the author discusses especially problems concerning the function of axioms as principles common to more than one science. The next… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 54 (1999), 1, 14-22.

The paper explains the importance of the examination of the ethical codexes of Slovak and Czech corporations and of their enforcement in the economical life and outside. It examines also the grounds of their acceptance, their effeicacy and limits in comparison with the codexes of common morals. As the author argues, in the process of their articulation it is… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 54 (1999), 1, 23-30.

K. Čapek never denied the priority of sense in the process of knowing, without eliminating, however, the role of will and sensitivity. What he had in mind was knowledge reflecting trust or distrust in the moral nature of human action. This shows, how close K. Čapek stood to T. G. Masaryk, who rejected the reduction of "the human" to the rational aspect of knowing… Čítať ďalej

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