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Detail príspevku/publikácie

Veda, technika, životné prostredie

Filozofia, 31 (1976), 6, 568-579.
Typ článku: State - Človek a spoločnosť
This contribution is concerned with philosophical problems of the influence of science and technics on nature and with the problem of responsibility for the character of both these activities. The author analyzes the historical presuppositions of this influence. The conquering attitude of modern science and technics towards the nature is to be overcome and changed into relation of partner responsibility to it. The increasing secondary negative consequences of the development of technics stress the topical significance and importance of some recent ecological-cultural problems. The progress of science and technics conditioned by the character of social-productive relations must be a manysided process. In contrast to the past man, nature and their needs are acquiring the status of purposeful factor. The , responsibility for the development and application of science and technics includes two moments. The first one noetic, disclosing conditions and possibilities of functioning of scientific-technical system, their positive and negative alternatives. The second one is social that chooses and realizes the chosen possibility. Both moments complement each other.
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