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Volume 36 (1981), 2


(Original title: Svetonázorová a kultúrno-výchovná funkcia filozofie)
Filozofia, 36 (1981), 2, 129-134.
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(Original title: Komunistický svetonázor — jadro formovania duchovného profilu socialistického človeka)
Filozofia, 36 (1981), 2, 135-145.
The category „worldview“ is characterized as synthesis of knowledge. ideas, conviction, social emotions, ideologic-emotional values and “practical“ activity. In the structure of the category „worldview“ three basic components may be sorted out: ideologic-gnoseologic, sensitive-emotional activist-practical component. Worldview issues are organically connected with… Read more
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(Original title: Ontologické predpoklady ľudského predvídania)
Filozofia, 36 (1981), 2, 146-155.
The paper concentrates upon the methodological turn in some concepts of contemporary scientific disciplines, namely those that have recently functioned to express the specifity of human activity such as purpose, aim, anticipation. The author makes an attempt to express main correlations of the categories „reflection“, „preconceiving reflection of reality“ (P. K.… Read more
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(Original title: K problematike slobody a slobody kritiky)
Filozofia, 36 (1981), 2, 156-165.
In the first part the author is concerned with philosophical category of freedom and its relation to necessity. He holds that there is dialectical correlation between freedom and the recognition of necessity. Both categories cannot be considered as either identical or as isolated. In order to support this opinion he makes use of Engels’s views on this problem,… Read more
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(Original title: Aktívnosť ľudského poznania)
Filozofia, 36 (1981), 2, 166-179.
The Marxist-Leninist theory of knowledge is based on the reflection of material reality in the consciousness of Man. In the paper attention is paid to dialectical-materialistic conception of material and spiritual activity in the cognitive process which is here explained in the positive way and in the opposition both to the sensualist passive conception of reflection… Read more
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