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Publication Details

A Tacit Revolution of Personal Power

(Original title: Tichá revolúcia osobnej moci)
Filozofia, 57 (2002), 9, 621-630.
Type of work: Papers
Publication language: Slovak

The paper offers an outline of Rogers' Person-Centered Approach, of his philosophy of human relationships and of his vision of the future world. Although Rogers' undoubtedly attractive project might be too optimistic for the most of contemporary European intellectuals, his ideas show clearly, how an important stream of contemporary psychological thought tries to find a meaningful prospective for modern humans. The author finds Rogers' optimism, his sympathy for humans and his admirable belief in the possibilities of human cooperation even surprising. Rogers insights contributed to a new understanding of important institutions of our time, as well as of reaching a personality change through empathy, acceptance, open communication and dialogue - preparing the ways for making use of the therapeutic potential of philosophy.

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