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Volume 36 (1981), 4

Papers - Philosophical Problems of Natural Sciences

(Original title: Idea redukcie a integračné procesy vovede)
Filozofia, 36 (1981), 4, 349-363.
The paper is the first part of a more comprehensive work which will be published in the journal successively. In the introductory part the substance of differentiational and integrative processes in science, their internal connection and interaction are viewed. Attention is paid to the general typology of synthetic processes in natural sciences, developed by В. M.… Read more
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(Original title: Teória vývinu a evolučná teória)
Filozofia, 36 (1981), 4, 364-375.
In the paper the author shows that the contemporary evolutionary theory In biology belongs to those unique sciences which help directly develop dialectics as a theory of development. He discovers the genesis and philosophical-methodological foundations of contemporary antinomic conceptions of evolution — synthetic theory, evolution and nomogenesis. These conceptions… Read more
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(Original title: Evolúcia ako biologická forma pohybu)
Filozofia, 36 (1981), 4, 376-392.
The author analyzes some aspects of philosophical problems of evolution as a biological form of motion. On evaluating various forms of motion it is necessary to keep in mind the importance of relations where questions of stability and variability as factors which influence each other come forward. The classification of forms of motion is continuously improved and… Read more
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(Original title: Mytologické chápanie priestoru a času)
Filozofia, 36 (1981), 4, 393-408.
Mythologie consciousness represented a complex expression of syncretic social consciousness of the Primitive society. The sources of the forming of the mythologie conception of the world were gnoseologic and social ones — a low grade of the development of the social practice determined by the grade and form of knowing the reality. Space and time notions were… Read more
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