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Problems of the All-Round Developed Personality in the Classical German Philosophy

(Original title: K problematike všestranne rozvinutej osobnosti v klasickej nemeckej filozofii)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 2, 143-155.
Type of work: Papers - Philosophical Problems of Man and Society
Publication language: Slovak

The founders of scientific communism expressed the idea of the all-round developed personality in a differentiated conceptual structure. In the paper the filiation of this structure in the works of the German classical philosophers is searched. I. Kant explained the idea of antagonism as a dominant cause of development of human gifts. Development of all human gifts and capacities made, according to Kant, sense of the existence of mankind. G. W. F. Hegel examined the signification of division of labour for the increase of human needs and for substitution of Man by Machine. J. G. Fichte laid stress on human creativity, on possibility to develop all human gifts without restriction. For harmonious satisfaction of all needs of personality a „perfect society” which sets such an aim to itself is a precondition. F. Schiller, in his aesthetical views, criticized negative effects of division of labour on development of personalty. They can be removed by aesthetic education by means of which harmony of reason and emotion, of reason and imagination, shortly a whole Man is formed. L. Feuerbach gave reasons for the idea of human universality which he linked with freedom. He also dealt with a very important aspect of the problem of the all-round personality, namely with the relation of specialization and versatility.

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