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Publication Details

From Logos to Myth (Irrationalism and Pseudo-Historicism in the Conception of Science of Husserl’s Phenomenology] — I

(Original title: Od logu k mýtu (Iracionalizmus a pseudohistorizmus vo fenomenologickej koncepcii vedy) I.)
Filozofia, 38 (1983), 5, 626-638.
Type of work: Papers - Criticism of Bourgeois Philosophy and Ideology
Publication language: Slovak
The first part of the paper From Logos to Myth elaborates more fully the characteristics of the difference between the Marxist-Leninist and phenomenological approach to the real starting-point of the scientific cognition. The author concentrates critically on the phenomenological conception of teleologism and the horizon-like structure (Horizonthaftigkeit) of the approach to the historic development of theoretical appropriation of the world and preconditions of its existence, characterized by Husserl as „Lebenswelt“. In the end he outlines some possibilities how to deepen the criticism of phenomenologic approaches of the development of scientific cognition and the related conceptions.
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