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To the Methodology of the Research of a Tenacious Forming of the Socialist Way of Life

(Original title: K metodológii výskumu cieľavedomého utvárania socialistického spôsobu života)
Filozofia, 30 (1975), 5, 490-499.
Type of work: Papers and Discussions - Philosophical Problems of the Development of Socialist Society
Publication language: Slovak
The paper concretizes some generally theoretical and methodological questions stemming from the intentional nad multidimensional character of forming the socialist way of life. It starts metodologically from Marx's analysis of labour. The fundamental elements and relations of the tenacious proces of the creation of the socialist way of life are seen in the dialectics of its subject and object and in the dialectics of its aims, means and conditions. If the notion of conditions of forming the ways of life records what there is, what has been achieved, then the aims of this process express what there is to be. Any condition that the appropriate subject takes advantage of in order to reach the laid out aims may become a means for the forming of the socialist way of life. The motion of the changeable aims, means and conditions is at the same time their rotation: a condition used for reaching certain aims changes into a means, the achieved aim changes again into a component part of the conditions and can change thus again into a new means for reaching higher aims, etc. The general dialectics of the subject and object and from this derived more concrete dialectics of aims, means and conditions belong to the basic system-formative elements and relatione of the tenacious creation of the socialist way of lite. It is a component part of the general national theoretical-methodological basis suitable for more complex research of the way of life. It enables a rendering of the socialist way of life in its dynamics, totality and in its social-historical context. It eleviates the inter-divisional co-operation, namely the causal final analyses and the organic connection of empirical and normative approaches.
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