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Volume 39 (1984), 6

State - K dialektike socialistického spoločenského vývoja

Filozofia, 39 (1984), 6, 671-678.
The sphere of politics belongs, no doubts, to the most important domains of the life of socialist communities where scientific knowledge is applied in practice. As it is a sphere where social conditions, relations and processes are regulated knowledge of social sciences is exploited chiefly here. There is, however, no direct interconnection between the political… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 39 (1984), 6, 679-690.
The author of the paper bases his analysis of the relation of the process of integration in the sphere of economic relations and formation of subjectivity on Marx’s conception of proprietorship as a social form of appropriation of the world by Man in the process of material production. This starting-point makes it possible for philosophy to follow in asynthetic way… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 39 (1984), 6, 691-700.
In the paper the correlation of the Marxist-Leninist theories of the nation and the categories of dialectics is attempted. It makes possible not only to understand deeper the content of the categories „nation, nationality, national“ but also their mutual determination and connection. The author proves that the „nation“ and „nationality“ exists as a singular… Čítať ďalej
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Filozofia, 39 (1984), 6, 701-712.
Based on a critical analysis of A. Gehlen’s conception the author of the paper shows that Gehlen’s interpretation of culture and technology — containing undoubtedly several philosophically relevant and positive elements — leads in the very end to extending of his, originally, biological anthropologism to the sphere of social phenomena. As far as the placing into the… Čítať ďalej
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