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Hodnotový zmysel spoločenského pokroku a socializmus

Filozofia, 41 (1986), 3, 328-337.
Typ článku: State - Aktuálne problémy materialistickej dialektiky

The concept of progress as a value appeared first in the Antique period and the optimism of the Enlightenment was based on it, too, while contemporary bourgeois consciousness rejects it. The problem of the inner continuity of history and social progress as a dominant tendency of social evolution were apprehended scientifically by the materialist conception of history only. The dialectical approach to the world and historical selfconfidence of mankind are mutually connected in the social-historical practice. The aims of the communist society may be considered as valid for the whole society as the limits of class antagonisms are absent in them. The process of improvement is a dialectical negation, oriented towards the future, which goes for the construction of the developed socialist society. The applications of microelectronics in view of the development of personality and thereby also of the society may have catastrophic effect or, on the contrary, they may make room for extending of creative activities. The development of a creative human individuality is the most important motive force of the advancement of social evolution and its importance, therefore increases during the construction of communism. The scientific-technological revolution in connection with socialism enriches the content of various human activities when together with the improvement of scientific-technological systems the Man himself is made richer in the sense of the development of his own essential abilities.

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