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Marxizmus versus pragmatizmus (200 rokov vývoja filozofie v USA)

Filozofia, 31 (1976), 6, 592-606.
Typ článku: State - Z dejín filozofie
The article originated on the occasion of th '200th unniversary of the foundation of the USA. The author investigates certain periods of development in the two hundred years long history of American philosophy. The main attention is devoted to the newer period-that of arising of original American philosophical streams, namely to pragmatism. Philosophical reasons of pragmatism and their social-political equivalents are being analysed. In the pragmatic movement there are especially the intentions to integrate certain components of realism, neopositivism and naturalism mostly from the field of science interpretation, scientific methodology and social theory that are dealt with. This integrating effort is in pragmatism, especially in its latest version-neopragmatism connected with broader world outlook implications by the help of which it tries to acquire the position of the main opposition representant against marxismleninsm. The author further admits the pragmatic deformation of marxism, falsification of its basic philosophical starting points, namely in the form of Hook’s conception of „authentic marxism“. Concluding the author points out the increasing front of materialistic philosophy which is being formed as connected with scientific-technical development as well as with t'he political struggle of the USA proletariat.
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