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Call for Papers:
Monothematic Issues for 2024 and 2025

Issue 5 (MAy 2024): Generative AI (artificial intelligence)

Guest editor: Gerhard SCHREIBER (University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany)

In many areas, AI raises fundamental philosophical questions. What does it mean to be “conscious”? Can an AI ever be considered conscious or “thinking”? Who is responsible when an autonomous AI makes a mistake? What are the ethical guidelines for creating AI capable of making decisions? Could an AI ever have a “right to existence”? How do we define “life” in an age where non-biological entities can exhibit complex behavior? To what extent are an AI’s decisions “free”? What does it mean for an AI to “have” knowledge? How does an AI “experience” the world, if at all? Generative AI models like GPT, which generate language, raise questions about how meaning arises and what language and text really/actually is. If generative AI is too far, a culmination could be made using the example of AI text generators.

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Call for Papers deadline: January 15, 2024
Guidelines for authors

Issue 6 (June 2024): Feminist Philosophy

Guest editors: María J. BINETTI (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina), Kristína BOSÁKOVÁ (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovak Republic)

Although there have always been feminist ideas and thinkers throughout history, it is only since the emancipatory project of modern Enlightenment that feminist thought began to be articulated first as sexual politics concerning the social status of women, and then as a theoretical point of view in the context of philosophy. The 20th century has witnessed the flowering of feminist ideas deployed around the question of sexual difference. However, the strands of feminist thinking do not express a unified point of view but are plural and diverse. Feminist thinkers assume different levels and perspectives, from the political to the epistemological and ontological ones. This volume aims to show the potency of feminism both as a philosophy and political praxis through the multiplicity of its voices.

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Call for Papers deadline: February 12, 2024
Guidelines for authors

Issue 7 (September 2024): Anthropocene Epoch: Rethinking the Environmental and Political Philosophy in the Global Environmental Crisis

Guest editor: Richard SŤAHEL (Institute of Philosophy SAS, Bratislava, Slovak Republic)

Issue aims to rethink strategies for how environmental and political philosophy, in their interdependence, can contribute to the formation of a normative practical philosophy in the era of the Anthropocene. Especially, the emergence of artificial intelligence, which is already affecting our everyday lives, radically relativizes the very question of the credibility of what is offered to us as “guaranteed information” or even as communication that shall be fully humanly meaningful communication (see ChatGPT). We welcome contributions that, not only from the perspective of environmental philosophy, political philosophy, critical theory of society, history of philosophy, philosophical anthropology, or philosophy of technology and education, are able to deepen the analysis of the origins, sources, and various forms of transformations of the relationship between human beings and the world in the Anthropocene. How is this relationship changing (if at all) under the influence of the most up-to-date knowledge of the natural sciences? How flexible or inflexible are the social sciences in shaping their methodology or even in the way they raise questions that have the ambition of formulating theories of social organization or political systems such that the ideal of an environmentally and socially sustainable society is sufficiently politically and educationally motivating in times of expected radical climate change?

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Call for Papers deadline: May 13, 2024
Guidelines for authors

Issue 8 (October 2024): Philosophy of Religion Today

Guest editor: Nassim BRAVO (Panamerican University, Aguascalientes, Mexico)

In the modern age, especially after the Enlightenment and the early stages of the Industrial Revolution, some of the traditional forms and practices of religion have been put into question. In this context, mention is often made, for example, of the debate between science and religion. However, other cultural phenomena of our times—such as pluralism, globalization, or environmentalism—also call for a new reflection on the religious experience and its connection to modern life and society. The aim of this monothematic issue is to examine from a philosophical perspective what is, or should be, the role of religion in our time.

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Call for Papers deadline: June 14, 2024
Guidelines for authors

Issue 9 (November 2024): Ethics and Language

Guest editor: Ingrid BASSO (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy)

Relation between Ethics and Language examined by several perspectives:

  • Metaethics (semanthics, ontology, epistemology): Possibilities and Limits of Philosophical Science in Developing an Ethical Discourse. What is ethics? What is its specific 'object,' such that it is possible to formulate meaningful ethical propositions? Can a philosophical definition of ethics be given, and can it be rationally grounded? Does the “impossibility” of using logical-philosophical language to speak about ethics necessarily lead to the rejection of any attempt to address it?
  • Practical Philosophy: Models of practical reason, moving from the concepts of phronesis and ethos (Aristotle / Kant / Hegel / Gadamer...); Dialectic of practice and language.

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Call for Papers deadline: July 21, 2024
Guidelines for authors

Issue 10 (December 2024): Socio-political Resilience vis-à-vis the Contemporary World Crises

Guest editors: Alice KOUBOVÁ (Institute of Philosophy CAS, Prague, Czech Republic), Ondřej LÁNSKÝ (Institute of Philosophy CAS, Prague, Czech Republic)

Resilience thinking and theory can be conceptualized in several ways. One is to work with it as a fashionable concept but essentially a mirror term for other concepts and theories (for example, stability, resistance, plasticity). The other is to describe resilience as a concept whose use disguises neoliberal policies and ideology. A third option is to map resilience as a determinant of a conceptual field that attempts to capture a significant dimension of the efforts in current societies, communities, and individuals to overcome various types of crises. This issue proposes conceptualizing resilience in this third context as a new relationship between humans and their environment in multiple forms and contexts. Thus, this monothematic issue aims to explore and show fundamental aspects of general resilience theory while focusing on modern society's different layers of resilience that can be considered crucial to its functioning. The challenges associated mainly with climate change, erosion of democracy, and health crisis caused by COVID-19 put the classical institutions of modernity under pressure. Resilience thinking helps to understand these challenges. The main focus of the issue will be on social and political resilience.

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Call for Papers deadline: August 19, 2024
Guidelines for authors

Issue 1 (January 2025): Philosophy, Politics and Religion: Continuities and Ruptures with Hegelianism

Guest editor: Patricia DIP (National University of General Sarmiento, Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Reflection on Hegelian philosophy produced a split between the so-called “Old Hegelians” (Rosenkranz, Haym, Erdmann, Fischer), characterized by their interest in preserving Hegel's historical legacy, and the “Young Hegelians” or “Left Hegelians” (Feuerbach, Ruge, Marx, Stirner, Bauer, Kierkegaard), who tended to overcome Hegelianism. In spite of this division, both groups proposed discussions of a political character with a religious language. It seems important to us to take up again the conceptions of politics and religion that were debated in the 19th century and that have also contributed to different lines of thought in the 20th century, such as, for example, Marxism and psychoanalysis, in order to determine continuities and ruptures with the approaches originated in the discussion with the cultural heritage of Hegelianism.

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Call for Papers deadline: September 15, 2024
Guidelines for authors