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Publication Details

On the Method of the Structural-Functional Investigation of the Society

(Original title: K metóde štruktúrno-funkcionálneho skúmania spoločnosti)
Filozofia, 41 (1986), 6, 727-737.
Type of work: Papers - Criticism of Non-Marxist Philosophical Streams
Publication language: Slovak

The general crisis of the social-economic system of Imperialism pervades every sphere of material and spiritual life of the society today. Social-political climate conspicuously weakens the effectiveness of methods of social investigation and it gives rich opportunities for rise and influence of subjective-idealist conceptions. It has particularly harmful consequences in the field of structural-functionalist investigations of the society.

In the sphere of social sciences subjectivism leads to relativism and scepticism and it, therefore, cannot secure an exhausting systems analysis of the society. A real complex systems analysis of social reality may be rendered by the structural-functional investigation, theoretically oriented through categories of materialist dialectics only.

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