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Publication Details

The Dialectics of Socialization and Individualization

(Original title: Dialektika socializácie a individualizácie)
Filozofia, 37 (1982), 5, 630-643.
Type of work: Papers
Publication language: Slovak
In Marxist literature problems of socialization are dealt with above all in particular social sciences (psychology, sociology and recently in pedagogy), less, however, in philosophy. This state of research is influenced by the fact that the received solutions have predominantly ontogenetic character and can be, in truth, conceived as personalization. From the philosophical point of view question may be then raised whether personalization — the forming and shaping of personality — may be understood as the dialectical pole of socialization. In the paper the presupposition that the dialectical pole of socialization represents individualization is founded heuristically, especially the process of personalization as such runs within the dialectical relationship „society — an individual“ and during the process of individualization itself. While the process of personalization as the forming of personality sets out, in respect to ontogenesis, always from the beginning the dialectics of socialization and individualization is related to the continual process of social reproduction.
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