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In Favour of Leninist Conception of Necessity andFreedom

(Original title: Za leninské chápanie nevyhnutnosti a slobody)
Filzofia, 25 (1970), 2, 161-164.
Type of work: Papers and Discussions
Publication language: Slovak
Some Marxist philosophers have lately blamed Engels and Lenin on acount of their positivistic interpretation of Marxism. They say that the positivusm of Engels and Lenin consists in their argument that for Marx the social world of reality is governed as much by lawfulness as the natural one is, and that its processes occur as necessarily as that of the natural world, although the laws of those worlds are not identical. Against this most fundamental idea of Marx's thought of society the mentioned philosophers set the principle that „freedom is not activity based upon necessity but upon the knowledge of alternatives. They want to prove that hisory is a result of the free indeterminate creativity of man. The author contraverts this opinion pointing out that the bourgeois ideology claimed the same when the capitalism of free campetion began to transform into the capitalism of monopoly. However the reality proved that there was no other alternative in the evolution of capitalism. Further the author demonstrates that subject-object, necessity-determinateness, necessity-choice are, in fact, the contradictions that constitute the dialectical unity, e. i. that there is no freedom without necessity and necessity without freedom.
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