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Volume 72 (2017), 1


Filozofia, 72 (2017), 1, 1-14.

The paper contributes to the methodological discussion of what evidence the philosophers of language (e.g. Devitt, Machery, Stich, etc.) use in support or disconfirmation of semantic theories. Three classical theories of empirical confirmation are discussed. We suggest that in the methodological literature on semantics one of them – namely H-D conception –… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 72 (2017), 1, 15-23.

We are often told that the meaning of a definiendum of an adequate definition is identical to the meaning of its definiens. This claim appears in Frege’s theory of definitions, and so it appears in Russell’s theory. However, it is worthwhile to remember both philosophers were advocates of the extensional semantics. Yet, the claim is often accepted beyond the realm… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 72 (2017), 1, 24-30.

In this essay we argue that taking smart drugs by students within academia should be considered to be a moral cheating and, what is more, could possibly have destructive social consequences for academia practice. The critique draws on MacIntyre’s analyses of virtues, internal goods and practices. This theory shows that using smart drugs to improve one’s abilities… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 72 (2017), 1, 31-45.

This article presents a reading of the major texts of Claude Lévi-Strauss, from Tristes Tropiques to Mythologics through The Savage Mind, linking the theme of the dissolution of the subject with the horizon of an ecological catastrophe that orients its development. Subjectivity is described with the remains of structural analysis as a tes- timony of societies in a… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 72 (2017), 1, 46-53.

The article explores the relationship between labor and work in Levinas, taking into consideration Arendt’s understanding of action as well as the Marxist conception of labor. The sections dealing with the concept of work in Levinas’ Totality and Infinity offer a roughly reproduction of the Marxist dichotomy creation/self-creation: on one hand there is the claim… Čítať ďalej

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Filozofia, 72 (2017), 1, 54-63.

Hegel designates the Egyptian religion “the religion of mystery”. This designation involves a hiddenness, which is the opposite of revealedness, i.e., revelation. Similarly, he frequently refers to this religion as a “riddle” or an “enigma” (Rätsel). According to his interpretation, one feature of the Egyptian religion is dualism between the inner and the outer, i… Čítať ďalej

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