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Návraty Schellingovy svobody u Jasperse

Filozofia, 76 (2021), 9, 704 - 716.
Typ článku: State

My paper concentrates on investigating freedom, as seen by Schelling via Jaspers’s concept of transcendental thought. The comparison of both authors shows the basic difference in conceiving freedom, responsibility, and approach to the real world. We can trace how Jaspers’s so called “eternity freedom” stands quite in opposition to Schelling’s free will. Jaspers deals with unsurmountable divide between human and God. Being as a whole is unrecognizable, mental attitudes are limited. Schelling perceives God analogically to human. In the relation to divinity, he utilizes categories like possibility, necessity, reality. For Jaspers, the reality of transcendence exceeds all categories, notions and images. We only can be touched by transcendence by hearing the language of ciphers of existence. Transcendence occurs in many ways and transcendent truths cannot be traced concretely. Schelling inspired Jaspers already during his first philosophical period. Nevertheless, he returned to his thoughts during the fifties, when he prepared his monumental pro- ject of universal history of philosophy. The monumental work remind unfinished.

Kľúčové slová

Cipher, Existence, Freedom, The illumination of existence, Transcendence

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